What's new in Loomio 2.0
Everything is new!
It’s an exciting time for us at Loomio and also for our customers; we’ve listened to your feedback and here's the result — Loomio 2.0.
The software is not changing at its core, but every aspect of the platform has been revamped and improved. Allow us to walk you through the biggest improvements:
New text editor
With our new rich text editor, you’ll have all the editing options one click away, a host of emoticons, cool checklists and a simple drag and drop file upload system.
Every part of Loomio's layout has been carefully reworked. One new feature we want to highlight is our new timeline inside the threads: an easy way to find the information you need and understand how a conversation evolved over time.
What we used to call Decision Tools are now called Polls. Nearly all of them have been improved.
Flexible proposals
Now you can choose which of the four decision types you’ll use for your proposal. People shouldn’t be able to veto a specific decision? Not helpful if people abstain on your call for questions and comments? Now it’s your call.
Dot vote
Our dot vote evolved so much that we decided to give it a new and better name: allocate! The design makes it simpler and easier to fiddle around before you cast your vote.
If you haven't score-voted before (assigning a number to each option) it's never been a better experience! Now you can define the minimum and maximum score, even using negative numbers.
Time poll
Our new time poll has a simpler visual both when you’re choosing your options and also when you’re checking everyone’s replies.
Time zones are easy to manage
Our Time Poll now let's you compare time zones, displaying your team’s most used time zones, so you can quickly propose times that suit most members.
Ranked choice
Which option got the most votes? With our new visual aid, it’s impossible to get it wrong.
This is about you
This has always been about you: about making your work and life easier. The Loomio team couldn’t be happier with the thoughtful work that gets done with our help, so please consider this update our way to say thank you.
This is of course a new product and we’re still looking for feedback. Give it a try, see how it feels and send us a note: what’s great? What’s not?
With 2.0, we feel that we’re crossing a threshold. If you want to enable our work, this is a good moment to share Loomio with people who might benefit from it.
What's coming next
There's more good news; we're moving quick as we can to meet the demands… mobile app! email your group to start a thread! real-time collaborative editing!
Beyond the update above, we've posted What's new part 2: more upgrades!
Tags: News