Loomio Blog: News

Customize Loomio like never before.
With the latest release of Loomio you can define your own templates and workflows, then make them available for others in your organization to use.

What's new in Loomio 2.0 part 2
If you’ve seen our last article with Loomio’s new features, that was just the beginning! Here’s our latest batch of improvements and new tools.

What's new in Loomio 2.0
Everything is new! It’s an exciting time for us at Loomio and also for our customers; we’ve listened to your feedback and here's the result — Loomio 2.0.

Score polling is here!
Score polling is a simple but expressive voting process which captures the level of preference voters have for each option in the poll.

Video: Full circle leadership with Alanna Irving
The Full Circle model works on two levels: a way understand and visualise diverse kinds of leadership, and a way to map the steps of innovation and execution of projects.

Celebrating 2017 with new stories and features from Loomio
Hi folks, it’s Rich here, one of the Loomio co-founders. You haven’t heard from me for a while so I want to give you an update on what’s been happening this year. There’s been some incredible progress on the software, and I have a few stories to share after 9 months on the road too.

We’re Coming to the US for a Community Organising Workshop Tour
Rich and Nati from Loomio are coming from New Zealand to join US-based team member MJ for a workshop tour across the States. We’re keen to meet with organisers who are interested in working non-hierarchically: whether they’re in cooperatives, startups, communities, collectives, NGOs or corporations.

Delight in Uncertainty… Gulp. Stories from the Road
Loomio Co-op Member and Director MJ Kaplan has been all over the US in recent months, at conferences exploring impact, collaboration, the economy, the future of work, and more.

Upcoming events in Wellington & special offer for local organisations
Join us for the New Zealand Premiere of an inspiring new film featuring Loomio alongside other cooperative organisations.

News November 2016: Imagine if Elections Worked More like Loomio
It’s been quite a month… Here in New Zealand we've been shaken by a 7.5 earthquake, while the world has been shaken politically.

Ours To Hack and To Own: a Review
Platform cooperativism is the radical idea that the internet would do more good if its major properties were democratically owned and governed.

Loomio at the White House, Democracy at Work, Collaboration Stories, and Our Dynamic Org Chart
# We got a shout out at the White House! Loomio has been picked as part of a suite of tools promoted by Together We Work, a campaign to empower young workers to take collective action.

Loomio Co-op Handbook and Media Stories
We open source not only our software code, but our organisation too. Our impact mission is about democratic engagement, inclusive participation, and equitable collaboration, so that's how we work as a company internally.

Exciting Events, Simplified Navigation, & Handy Loomio Workflows
The latest news from Loomio… Join us at conferences in New Zealand and Indonesia, celebrating our upgraded navigation in the app, and a range of useful how-to's.

OS//OS is going to be awesome!
We’re super excited about contributing to the upcoming OS//OS open source, open society conference.

New Website, New Features, & UN Youth on Loomio
## Our New Website is Live! We brought together everything we’ve learned about communicating the value of Loomio in a simple compelling way, and combined it with visually engaging illustrations. We’ve highlighted amazing stories of people using Loomio around the world, and made help content and other resources way easier to find.

How Loomio raised ethical investment and made our social mission even stronger
The last few years have been quite a journey for Loomio. This is a story about navigating the world of startup financing to find ethical investment that works for a truly mission-driven tech company with big ambitions.

Everyone on the New Loomio
We’ve reached the final step in the process of switching everyone over the the new and improved Loomio interface.

Digital Collaboration in the Middle East
It’s been devastating to watch as the conflict in Syria has escalated into the biggest humanitarian crisis of our generation. For those of us far away from the area, it’s frustrating not knowing how we can help. So when Rich from Loomio stumbled across an U.S. American activist working with Syrian refugees in Turkey, he reached out.

Loomio News: Stories from Humans Inventing the Future
2016 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Loomio. Here are some highlights from the first few months.

Major Breakthrough in Online Democracy: Loomio ❤ Emojis!
We’ve been having a Mad Science kind of summer. One of our most exciting experiments has just bubbled out of the lab and into the wild. Announcing… EMOJIS!
One step closer to Loomio 1.0
For the last few months, we’ve been progressively bringing more and more people over from Loomio Beta onto the new Loomio user interface. As of tomorrow, all new user accounts will start on the new interface.

Loomio News for September 2015
Spring has sprung 🙂 Hi friends! Spring has arrived here in Aotearoa and it is gorgeous! We’ve got a lot of juicy stories to share this month:

Loomio News for August 2015
Here's a quick update with all the latest news from Loomio land for August 🙂

Evolution @ Aroha
We recently returned from one of our biannual strategy weekends.
Design for Developers
Rich has been doing a lot of design work for Loomio lately.
Heaps of exciting news from Loomio HQ :)
More than 86,000 people have joined Loomio, making more than 28,000 decisions in nearly 100 countries, so it's feeling like we're really starting to have some impact in the world!

g0v Summit 2014: Taiwan and the future of democracy
I had the immense honour of being invited to participate in the g0v Summit in Taipei last year. The Summit was basically a chance for 700 people to get together and discuss the future of democracy, and hack on some projects that might help us get there faster.

Loomio is Co-Hosting the Open Source // Open Society Conference
Loomio is co-hosting the Open Source // Open Society conference, April 16-17 in Wellington, New Zealand, alongside GitHub, Chalkle, and Enspiral. Get your ticket and join us at the event!

Participate in a study on collective intelligence!
Loomio has received a small grant from Catalyst to help Litemap and Assembl develop their collective intelligence tools. These tools enable users to map the structure of a discussion and visualise the connections between people, thought and action.

Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs to host National Energy Conference Public Engagement on Loomio
The Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. (MoEA) announced that the National Energy Conference is to be held Jan 26, 27. To follow the trends of collecting voices on the internet in nowadays, MoEA plans pre-conference discussions on the internet between Jan 14 – 20.

It's here! Get your sneak peek of Loomio 1.0!
Well folks it has been an incredible few months and today is a very special day: we’re inviting everyone (starting with those who supported our crowdfunding campaign) to come in and check out a ‘pre-release’ version of Loomio 1.0.

The Home Stretch: 30 days until we bring the first early access users onto Loomio 1.0!
We went out to the Loomio Community asking for feedback on the new designs for mobile/phone and desktop/tablet. In addition to some excellent suggestions for improvements on the designs, you told us you loved them! We can’t wait to release the new user interface at the end of November.

September update from Loomio HQ
Another month has flown by, with some more huge progress in Loomio land:

Spring is Here, and We're Halfway to Loomio 1.0!
It’s the first day of Spring in Aotearoa New Zealand, and it certainly feels like it. We’re now halfway between the end of the crowdfunding campaign and the pre-release date for Loomio 1.0. It’s been hard work, but immensely rewarding. We’re really motivated by all your support. All up, we’re cranking along and things are on track for November!

Feature Update: Following, Dashboard Filters, and Reply by Email
We’ve released some exciting new ways to see what’s most important to you on Loomio!

Video: Loomio at Personal Democracy Forum 2014
The Personal Democracy Forum (PDF) in New York is an annual gathering of people from around the world working towards a free and open internet. In June this year, we were lucky enough to be invited to present Loomio at PDF, in a session on “The Future of the Public Internet”. Ben Knight talks about his experience speaking at this amazing event.
July update from Loomio Land
Greetings friends, wow another month has flown past so it is time for another update from Loomio HQ.

Heaps of New Features!
## Released in the last few weeks ### Import Contacts

Update to Loomio Supporters: July 2014 – Happy Matariki!
It’s Matariki here in Aotearoa New Zealand and we’re really feeling the winter solstice vibe at Loomio HQ – feels like it’s getting brighter every day!
Feature Update: Editing Content (discussions, proposals, and comments)
You spoke, we listened – “editing comments” has been the most upvoted card since we opened up the public Roadmap.

A Community-Driven Roadmap: Get Involved in Setting the Development Priorities for Loomio
Right from the start, Loomio has been a community-driven project. From day one, we’ve had real people using Loomio to make real decisions, and real world feedback from users has directed development all along.
Feature update: new group privacy settings
Yesterday we released a whole new system for managing the privacy of your groups. Now when you start a new Loomio group, you’ll get the following options:
Update to Loomio Supporters: May 2014
## Word of the Year: Gratitude It’s still a bit unreal – over 1600 people contributed over $125,000 to make the Loomio crowdfunding campaign a massive success. Because the “give now” button remains live, amazingly even now donations keep coming in. It was a huge validation of what we’ve believed all along: the world wants Loomio!

Crowdfunding update: 2 days to go!
After an incredible couple of days, the target is within reach! It’s truly overwhelming to see so many generous people getting behind this project, reminding us that we’re not crazy to pour our lives into it for the last 18 months 🙂
Crowdfunding Update: Week Four
After an amazing week, the $100K target is now well within reach! We’re blown away by our team of more than 850 people supporting us to make this project happen!
Crowdfunding Update: Week Three
Sunday was the official mid-point of our crowdfunding campaign. Amazingly enough, on that exact day we made it to a major milestone, 50% of our $100k target!
Crowdfunding Update: Week Two
It's been an amazing two weeks, with support coming from all corners of the globe. Thanks to the generosity of more than 600 wonderful people, we're nearly halfway to our goal with 3 weeks to go. It feels like we've got a real shot at making this happen, but we're going to need some help to get there.
Making a decision with Loomio 1.0
The process of making a decision that Loomio enables is actually really simple: bring people together to talk things through, share ideas, address any concerns, and determine a clear course of action that works for everyone.

Loomio used for large-scale citizen democracy project in Greece
The best thing about building Loomio is hearing how groups are using it in their communities. It was humbling to learn about a cooperative effort between direct democracy groups in Greece, planning an ambitious experiment in citizen democracy across the country, using Loomio as their main platform.
Loomio and Idealist: Technology Supporting Action for Positive Change
Ami Dar, founder of Idealist.org, lends his support to Loomio during the livestream announcement of Idealist's new platform for changemakers. Loomio and Idealist's new platform share the same goal: using technology to turn ideas and connection into collective action to better our communities and societies.

Loomio Featured on the Effective Decision Maker Podcast
> Improving our decision making skills is one of way to improve the world that we live in. Much of the happiness, and a lot of the suffering in our world comes down to the quality of decisions that we make, and the decisions that other people make that affect us.
Loomio crowdfunding campaign goes live!
Our Crowdfunding campaign for Loomio 1.0 went live today! Help us build a truly inclusive platform that allows anyone, anywhere to participate in the decisions that affect their lives, by supporting our campaign here: love.loomio.org

Crowdsourcing the UK Constitution
Over the last couple of weeks the London School of Economics has experimented with crowdsourcing a constitution for the UK using Loomio. Jack Bailey from LSE – Public Affairs has written about the experience so far. Thanks Jack!

Help us start 2014 out with a Bang!
Happy New Year everyone! Loomio has a chance to get our year off on an awesome footing. We are currently in the running for the MIX Prize Digital Freedom Challenge – a competition run by the Management Innovation Exchange (MIX) for organisations who are encouraging and providing for increased autonomy in the workplace.

Happy Festivus! End of year update from Loomio
Greetings Loomions! Our second year at the Loomio Cooperative has turned out to be an action-packed and exciting time of developing the product, expanding the team, and spreading the word about Loomio.

We're at the World Forum for Democracy!
We’ve been invited to speak at the World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, which has been the catalyst for our trip to Europe.

Vivien's Travel Update
Thoughts en route: I am considering what it is I want from a trip as extensive and full as this one. Madrid, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Strasbourg, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, Boston and San Francisco.

Our brief, but action-packed, sojourn in Madrid!
We may only be there for 28 hours, but our stay in Madrid is already packed with action.

Hello, Europe and the United States!
Next stop on our exploration of the globe: Europe and the United States! Ben Knight and Vivien Maidaborn, two of the co-founders and dream-weavers of the Loomio Cooperative, are setting off from the Land of the Long White Cloud, Aotearoa, and are on their way to the Northern Hemisphere!

Sneak peek into the future of Loomio
Hey there, Jon here, from the Loomio product team. I've been working pretty hard on some new designs for Loomio, and thought it'd be nice to share with everyone.

Code report – a roadmap for the future of Loomio
Those of us working on Loomio all have big dreams for what we’d like the software to look like in future. We’re continuously inundated with helpful feedback, awesome ideas and suggestions for how Loomio could be improved.

Loomio launch party
Thanks to everyone for making our launch party totally magical! Here's a video of Rich and Vivien presenting some of the Loomio story, supported by an international cast of contributors: Loomio launch party - timeline presentation from Enspiral on Vimeo. Click through for some magnificent party photos from Mark Russell (mark@adventureartists.co.nz):

Launching Loomio into the World
We are excited to announce that after 15 months of hard work, we’re finally launching publicly! The team has put a huge amount of time, passion and effort into this moment. But more importantly, we have been supported by an incredible community of courageous early-adopting users – all kinds of inspiring groups doing amazing things all over the world.

We Did It! PledgeMe Goal Reached!
Our campaign on PledgeMe has reached its goal, and more! We can't thank our generous supporters enough for throwing their inspiring energy and hard-won cash behind this project.
Don't miss our next exciting article!
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It's low volume and high quality - published every 2 or 3 months.