Loomio Blog: Political parties

Developing cutting-edge policy using Loomio
Loomio enabled the Green Party of West Australia’s wide-reaching membership to congregate, collaborate, and agree on policies quickly and efficiently together.

Securing the zero carbon act NZ needs
Let's help Generation Zero (GenZero) fuel their last push to secure a high quality version of the Zero Carbon Act in New Zealand! GenZero has ignited a huge movement for urgent action on climate change.

Building workforce capability to address Family Violence and Sexual Violence
Over the last few years, the New Zealand Government has been committed to seeking new ways to guarantee everyone in New Zealand a safe environment to live. The country has one of the highest reported rates of family violence and sexual violence in the developed world, so action is needed.
How the National Assembly for Wales Used Loomio for Online Collaboration
The Welsh Government’s mission is to “help improve the lives of people in Wales and make our nation a better place in which to live and work”. One of the ways the National Assembly for Wales looks at how effectively the Welsh Government is doing its job is through committees.

g0v Summit 2014: Taiwan and the future of democracy
I had the immense honour of being invited to participate in the g0v Summit in Taipei last year. The Summit was basically a chance for 700 people to get together and discuss the future of democracy, and hack on some projects that might help us get there faster.
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