Unleash the power of your members

photo of audience raising hands at rock concert, Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

Loomio enables membership organizations to tap into collective wisdom, engage members in decision-making, boost engagement and drive your organization's purpose forward.

Loomio is a really powerful tool. It gives us as a team an easy and safe way to let all of the members participate in any kind of discussion that they want to engage in. Joachim Jacob, Partago

Professional associations, nonprofits, unions, political parties, clubs, collectives, cooperatives and advocacy groups all use Loomio.

How are decisions made in your organization?

Decision making is where things happen in an organization. Decisions have the power to impact the wellbeing of members, the financial sustainability of the organization, our environment and the organization’s ability to achieve its purpose.

Involve members in decision making

What is holding you back? Opportunity
Lack of representation and inclusivity Members are the lifeblood of any membership organization. Value their diverse perspectives and ensure their needs and interests are taken into account. Create a sense of inclusivity, ensuring that decisions reflect the collective voice of the membership.
Low member engagement and satisfaction Foster a sense of ownership and engagement. When members have a say in shaping the organization's direction, policies and initiatives, they are more likely to feel invested and satisfied with their membership experience and contribute more.
Quality of decisions Members often possess valuable expertise, insights, and experiences that can contribute to decision-making. Involving members ensures a broader range of perspectives and information, leading to more informed and well-rounded decisions.
Relationships and loyalty Build trust, transparency, and stronger relationships between the organization and its members. Demonstrate that member opinions matter and their contributions are valued, leading to increased loyalty and commitment.
Organization relevance and effectiveness Help your organization stay relevant and responsive to the changing needs and expectations of members. Ensure decisions align with the interests and priorities of the membership, and increase the organization's effectiveness and impact.

Inclusive space to involve members

Loomio helps member organizations facilitate greater participation and collaboration. Loomio is an asynchronous decision-making platform, enabling members to participate even when they cannot be physically present or available at the same time.

What do you need? On Loomio
Share information and raise topics Loomio facilitates the sharing of information and raising of topics by providing a centralized platform where members can post updates, share documents, and initiate discussions. This ensures that relevant information is accessible to all members, fostering transparency and keeping everyone informed.
Enable all members to participate Loomio overcomes the problem of needing everyone to be present at the same time by allowing members to participate in decision-making processes remotely. Members can contribute their input, provide feedback, and engage in discussions at their convenience, regardless of their location or time zone.
Streamline decision processes Loomio provides structured frameworks for decision-making. It offers proposals, polls, voting, and commenting, enabling members to collaborate and collectively reach decisions more efficiently. The platform organizes discussions and ensures that decisions progress smoothly towards an outcome.
Improve transparency and accountability Loomio provides a visible record of discussions, decisions, and the rationale behind them. All members can be granted access to see discussions, enabling transparency in decision-making processes and fostering trust and accountability within the organization.
Record decisions and document rationale Loomio serves as a repository for decisions made, documenting the outcomes and the underlying rationale. This helps maintain a historical record of decisions, enabling easy reference, and providing insights into your organization's decision-making journey.

screenshot of consent to approve health and safety policy in Loomio

Check out the stories from our customers:

At Loomio, we are committed to helping member organizations thrive through inclusive and effective member participation. Our platform is designed to address the unique challenges you face, providing the time and space for discussions that lead to well-informed decisions. Together, let's build a future where the power of your membership is the cornerstone of success.

Try Loomio today and unleash the power of your members.

Why not start your free Loomio trial today?

Create a more engaged and collaborative culture, build trust and buy-in, and make better decisions


Made in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Hosting available in USA, EU or Australia/NZ

© 2024 Loomio Cooperative Limited. All rights reserved. “Loomio” is a registered trademark of Loomio Cooperative Limited.