Loomio at the White House, Democracy at Work, Collaboration Stories, and Our Dynamic Org Chart

We got a shout out at the White House!

Loomio has been picked as part of a suite of tools promoted by Together We Work, a campaign to empower young workers to take collective action.

Together We Work was launched at the White House event in an inspiring and optimistic message of change from Carmen Rojas, CEO of The Workers Lab.


Democracy at Work is a non-profit that works to democratize the workplace, as a viable solution for a new and better economic system. We're proud to be a D@W co-op partner!

Read the first of a two-part profile of Loomio by D@W – interview of Alanna from Loomio, by Betsy Avila.

“We want to have impact with our product, but we also think the way we’ve structured our company and how we work is part of our social mission.”…read more

Stories from the forefront of collaboration

How the FairShares Association Makes Better Decisions with Inclusive, Democratic Processes: Rory Ridley-Duff on reflecting a new vision of governance in structures for online collaboration.

Could the users buy Twitter and turn into a co-op? There's a #buytwitter movement underway, and they're organising on Loomio.

Six Circles for Harmless Organising: A rough cut of a talk that co-founder Rich Bartlett is developing to explain some of the cultural forms we use to organise without bosses.

Our Dynamic Org Chart

Every quarter, the Loomio co-op members collectively set objectives, and then self-organise into working groups to achieve them. If you're curious about how all this works, read more in the Co-op Handbook.

• Written by Alanna Irving

Tags: News

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