New Website, New Features, & UN Youth on Loomio

Our New Website is Live!

We brought together everything we’ve learned about communicating the value of Loomio in a simple compelling way, and combined it with visually engaging illustrations. We’ve highlighted amazing stories of people using Loomio around the world, and made help content and other resources way easier to find.


Any time you go to you’ll see the new site. If you are already a Loomio user and you want to get to your discussions and decisions, just click “log in”. If there’s someone in your life who you think should know about Loomio, show them the new website!

New Features

We listened to your feedback, and made some updates to Loomio we think you’re going to love.


Attachments on discussions

Now you can attach documents, images, and files directly to a discussion, making it easier to include background material and related content.

@mentions everywhere!

Now you can @mention people all over, not just in comments. For example, @mention people right in the initial discussion context, or the proposal details. This alerts group members when something is relevant to them specifically.

New default email settings

Joining a large active group was triggering an avalanche of email notifications. Now by default, new users will get important notifications only, instead of all activity. You can still customise your notifications in your email settings, of course!


Redesigned email formatting

Loomio emails used to be very plain, and sometimes people didn’t immediately understand they were from us or what they were supposed to click. Now they have much better formatting, bright action buttons, and a stronger Loomio identity.

Better experience for new users

When a brand new user logs in for the first time, they are now presented with a helpful short video introducing them to the tool and how to use it. We've made a bunch of little improvements to make it easier for the people you invite to get in and get oriented.

Inspiring Loomio Stories

Le Réveil du Gabon

A large group of people in Gabon, West Africa are debating the future of their democracy.


UN Conference on Trade and Development Youth Forum

Prior to UNCTAD Youth Forum in Nairobi 19-21 July 2016, youth from around the world are debating on education, more and better jobs, and state accountability.


Rich Went to Europe

The Goethe Institute recently flew Rich to Europe for the Kultursymposium. He had the opportunity to attend several other inspiring conferences and meet with Loomio supporters doing amazing work. Here’s what he learned.

Want to see great decision-making in action in your world? Start your own Loomio group!

• Written by Alanna Irving

Tags: News

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