Feature Update: Following, Dashboard Filters, and Reply by Email

We’ve released some exciting new ways to see what’s most important to you on Loomio!

Filter by “Unread” and “Following”

Now you can filter your dashboard content by “unread” and “following”. Unread is similar to the Inbox (which now redirects to this filter), and it shows you all discussions with content you haven’t seen yet. We were guided by the community's feedback, and we're pretty happy people seems to be finding it useful

Following is something new. When you are @mentioned in a discussion, or participate in it by commenting or liking, you will start “following” it. You can also follow a discussion manually by clicking the follow button if you want to keep up to date, and you can follow a while group to automatically follow all of its discussions. So by clicking the following filter, your dashboard will show you the discussions most relevant to you.

Email Notifications for All Activity

You now have the option to be emailed instantly any time there is activity in discussions you’re Following. If you’re someone who primarily likes to interact via email, you can keep up with a Loomio discussion without ever leaving your email inbox. Alongside the other email options, this gives you powerful tools to stay up to date.

email preferences

Reply by Email to Comment in a Loomio Discussion

If you respond to an email notification of discussion activity by email, your response will be automatically posted to the Loomio discussion. We think this will make Loomio a lot more engaging, especially for people staying in the loop on the go using mobile devices.

These features was developed in consultation with the Loomio Community, and we’d love to hear your feedback about it. Join the discussion!

We’ve also added some long-requested usability features

Like the option to change your password while logged in (by going to your profile > change your password), and keyboard shortcuts (press ‘g’ to search your groups, ‘u’ for the user menu, and ‘n’ for notifications).

As always, stay in the loop about what's coming up in Loomio feature development, and vote up what you think is important, on the Roadmap!

• Written by Alanna Irving

Tags: News

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