Heaps of New Features!

Released in the last few weeks

Import Contacts

It just got a lot easier to add people to Loomio groups – no more having to remember or copy/paste email addresses! You can import your Google contacts, and then when you start typing a name it will just pop up. Neat! Add contact by name Join the discussion on Loomio to find out more about using this feature, and let us know what other services you'd like to see supported for importing.

Participation Permissions

We asked for your feedback, you told us about your use cases, and we designed a new tab in the group setup process called “permissions”. Permissions tab options Coordinators can now determine whether group members can invite new members, create subgroups, start discussions, edit the context panel, edit their comments (even after activity has occurred), raise proposals, and vote on proposals.

These new options will support a wide variety of use cases for participation with different levels of decision-making stakeholding.

RSS/Atom Feed Support

As per the community's request, the URL of any public group is now an RSS/Atom feed you can subscribe to using your favourite feed reader. Loomio Community RSS Feed

Jump to First Unread Comment

It used to be that you had to click this down arrow button to jump to where you left off in an ongoing discussion thread: Jump to unread comment arrow button But now it jumps there automatically! This means when you return to a Loomio thread, you can pick up where you left off and just read the new content posted since your last visit.

Get Involved!

See what's in the pipeline and help determine development priorities

The Loomio roadmap is a public, collaborative Trello board where you can see what's recently been released, what's in progress and up next, and what suggestions are in the backlog. You can participate by voting up the features you most want to see in the app. See more about the roadmap and our collaborative design process in this previous blog post. Feature Ideas group


If you have an idea that's not already listed, post about it in the Feature Ideas group on Loomio. We regularly post about features under development and ask for feedback, ideas, and help with user testing in the Loomio Community.

Are you a developer who wants to contribute code?

There are cards on the roadmap tagged with blue, which are features we think developers might have a good experience working on. Check out Loomio on Github, especially the README, which has useful info about installing Loomio on a local machine, the development process, setting up a production server, reporting bugs, and how to find good tasks to pick up.

We're excited to continue at a fast pace releasing features that continuously improve the Loomio user experience, and support you to make great decisions with your groups.

• Written by Alanna Irving

Tags: News

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