Loomio in Conversation with Online Community Expert Nancy White

Nancy White brings over 25 years of communications, technology and leadership skills in her work supporting collaboration, learning and communications in the NGO, non profit and business sectors. Loomio is honoured to have her support in our efforts to bring better online collaboration to the world. She's co-author of the book Digital Habits: stewarding technology for communities.

We sat down with Nancy on Skype and picked her brain about online communities – how they adopt and use technology, best practice for distributed leadership and decision-making, the importance of cultivating relationships and diversity, and where she sees the future of online communities going in the context of her decades of watching them evolve.

See all 4 parts separately below, or if you'd like to see them all together watch this playlist.

Part 1: Technology and Communities

Why Nancy is supporting Loomio, the role of technology stewards, and how communities adopt new technology.

Part 2: Decision-making, Leadership, and Empowerment

How decision-making works in different kinds of online communities, and what needs to happen to support distributed leadership and empowerment.

Part 3: Relationships and Diversity

Building human relationships to support working together online, the importance of age and gender diversity, and the “disproportionate opportunity” women have in this space.

Part 4: The Evolution of Online Communities

The evolution of online communities, and Nancy's vision for the future.

Nancy's latest blog series is on Network and Community Governance.

• Written by Alanna Irving

Tags: Videos Articles and Interviews

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