Loomio Blog: Articles and Interviews

The importance of place

LEDA is a cooperative of experienced architects and engineers who design outstanding sustainable buildings that are beautiful, comfortable to be in, and gentle on the planet.

A socially-conscious restaurant with 500 founders

Urban Space 500 is a Ukranian restaurant that gives 80% of its profits to community projects. They organize their 500 founders and gather their input with Loomio.

Developing cutting-edge policy using Loomio

Loomio enabled the Green Party of West Australia’s wide-reaching membership to congregate, collaborate, and agree on policies quickly and efficiently together.

We're all Humans Here

The Refugee Buddy Project Hastings, Rother & Weladen (TRBP) is celebrating universal humanity by welcoming and supporting newly arriving refugees to their UK town and using Loomio to organize their rapidly growing group.

Fighting Climate Change by Sharing the Road

Partago is a Belgium-based car-sharing citizen cooperative enterprise that offers only 100% electric cars. Their mission is to free up space in neighborhoods, reduce carbon emissions and toxic traffic fumes, and fight against climate change. Here’s how they are using Loomio to bring their mission to reality.

How a revolutionary idea was implemented with ease

As humans embark deeper into the digital age, it is increasingly vital for companies to embrace communication tools, apps, and platforms. Behind almost every successful venture there is a team of software experts.

A More Resilient Organization: Raise Recruiting

Case Study: Ian Martin Group made big changes to their organizational structure to ensure that their employees enjoy the most meaningful work experience. Here’s a look at their journey and how Loomio is helping them along the way.

Open Source Open Science

It takes a long time for scientific articles to be published. After years of research and fine-tuning, the papers must be sent off for peer review, which can take six months or more.

Building Community with Vancouver Makerspace

This creative community of makers and artists used Loomio to take the hassle out of decision-making, so they can have more time to focus on doing what they love. If, as a kid, you loved breaking things apart and learning how they worked, or creating things out of material like wood, cloth or cardboard you would fit right in at 1907 Triumph Street.

Helping NZ teachers win the fight for better pay

Teachers in New Zealand used Loomio to gain an important victory of increased pay and better working conditions for all teachers.

Catalyzing the Zero Waste movement in France

Zero Waste France consists of local groups scattered across the country, all dedicated to practicing and encouraging a zero-waste lifestyle. Loomio delivers a zero-stress communication tool that helps this community of activists create more impact.

Regenerating the Earth for future generations

In June of 2018, 30 members of Economic Democracy Advocates (EDA) gathered to ratify their cooperative charter.

Brewery co-op brings everyone to the table on Loomio

Good conversations and great beer. That’s what led several friends living in Burlington, Vermont to form the Full Barrel Cooperative. Their mission is to establish the city’s first community-owned brewery.

Increasing accountability with human rights metrics

It is the year 2019 and billions of people around the world still lack access to necessities like food, shelter and healthcare. Autocratic regimes and human rights abusers continue to capture news headlines, while populist leaders preach hate and intolerance. The state of human rights today can seem dismal, but the truth is these human rights challenges are not insurmountable. The Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) has set out to quantify each country’s human rights performance, using a first-of-its-kind human rights measurement framework.

Funding community renewable projects

Communities around the world are stepping up to the major challenge of our times by building a regenerative low carbon economy.

Four patterns of successful groups

Hi there, I'm John. My work at Loomio is about groups' success. A big reason why Loomio exists is to help people collaborate to achieve successful outcomes. We are constantly surprised at the ways in which groups around the world use Loomio to do just that, with less time and effort, and this month we want to highlight some of that magic with…

Investing in community

Many people like to support local business by shopping at their neighborhood co-op, but they may not realize that they can take that support to the next level.

Securing the zero carbon act NZ needs

Let's help Generation Zero (GenZero) fuel their last push to secure a high quality version of the Zero Carbon Act in New Zealand! GenZero has ignited a huge movement for urgent action on climate change.

Uniting charities for a common cause

Charities are built to support communities but they are rarely offered support, themselves. That’s exactly what James Carlin set out to do when he co-founded the Bath and Northeast Somerset’s 3rd Sector Group (3SG for short). Around four years ago, after Bath lost it’s charity support agency, the founders of 3SG stepped in to quickly build an organisation that could act in its place—facilitating funding from regional sources and helping to unify charities with similar missions.

Helping UK cooperatives thrive

How do you role-model a democratic workplace? This was the question on Austen Cordasco’s mind as he set out to integrate new technology to improve decision-making within Co-operative Assistance Network Limited (CAN).

Leading Italy into the future of work; mondora creates benefit for all

What if the purpose of companies was “to create benefit for the world and try to make it a better place”? Or if they had “employee happiness” as a key performance indicator? While it may seem far-fetched at first, we at Loomio have the privilege of serving one such company that is leading the way and showing how businesses can make a meaningful and sustainable contribution to our communities.

Richard Bartlett talks Occupy, Collective Intelligence, Teal, Scuttlebutt & Solarpunk

This year Rich & Nati have been delivering collaboration workshops around Europe as The Hum, and in the downtime, Rich has been talking with people about the topics he cares about. I'm pleased to share some of that talking with you in the form of these interviews.

Building workforce capability to address Family Violence and Sexual Violence

Over the last few years, the New Zealand Government has been committed to seeking new ways to guarantee everyone in New Zealand a safe environment to live. The country has one of the highest reported rates of family violence and sexual violence in the developed world, so action is needed.

A Women’s March to Co-Create the Future for All Humanity

The energy of so many people careening toward Washington D.C. was palpable on January 21st.

Shortening Meetings from Hours to 30 Minutes

Chris McClimans is part of a web design co-op based in Austin, Texas that uses Loomio to have shorter meetings and make better decisions. We interviewed him at the Open Source // Open Society Conference.

How the FairShares Association Makes Better Decisions with Inclusive, Democratic Processes

Rory Ridley-Duff is a reader in cooperatives and social enterprise at Sheffield Business School, director of Social Enterprise Europe, and founder of the FairShares Association. They use Loomio to model their governance structure online, for effective, equitable stakeholding.

"We're Allergic to Meetings" — How New England Tech Brings Out Great Ideas from Smart People

MJ from Loomio caught up with DJ Johnson, professor of game development at the New England Institute of Technology, about how they're bringing out the best in their faculty through more online collaboration, and fewer meetings.

Bilingual Collaboration at Trusty Amigos Dog Walking Co-op

Brendan Tronconi of Trusty Amigos, a Dog Walking and Pet Care co-op in New York with 9 members, shares his experience starting a worker-owned business, collaborating with people who speak different languages, and working together effectively online and offline.

SolidFund: Growing the UK Cooperative Economy

SolidFund is a grassroots commonwealth fund for worker co-op members. John Atherton talks about their aspirations and operations, and how using Loomio is helping them build the worker cooperative econoomy in the UK.

How the National Assembly for Wales Used Loomio for Online Collaboration

The Welsh Government’s mission is to “help improve the lives of people in Wales and make our nation a better place in which to live and work”. One of the ways the National Assembly for Wales looks at how effectively the Welsh Government is doing its job is through committees.

How a Translation Collective is Redefining Publishing

Nati from Loomio had the chance to interview Stacco Troncoso, strategic director of the P2P Foundation and co-founder of Guerrilla Translation, a commons-oriented translation collective who is currently crowdfunding an innovative initiative called Think Global / Print Local.

NZ Government Carries Out Open and Transparent Policy Consultation about Open Source

Paul Stone, Programme Leader for Open Government Data at Land Information NZ, tells the story of how a consultation to develop a framework for consistent licensing of New Zealand Government open source software has been carried out successfully in an open and transparent manner.

Keep Going Between Meetings: Debt Resistance UK

Alanna from Loomio met Vica Rogers in London, to learn more about her world of citizen education and activism. Vica was involved in the Occupy movement in the UK, and has continued working on related issues ever since. We took some time in Vica's back garden to hear about how group collaboration is helping citizens in her community organise around the issue of debt.

Governing Commons Together, at La Coroutine Co-working

Alanna from Loomio met Simon Sarazin in Berlin at “Capital for the Commons”, where Simon was presenting his work on uCoin, a project seeking to implement universal basic income through cryptocurrency. He took a break from hacking on economics to tell us how collaborative governance has transformed his co-working space in Lille, France.

200 Artists, 12 Buildings, 1 Community: Gängeviertel Collective

Alanna from Loomio met Till Wolfer at POC21, a 6 week innovation camp in France focused on open source hardware for sustainability. Till was lending his expertise as an architect and designer. He stepped out for a moment to share how he collaborates back home with a 200-person artist collective occupying 12 buildings in Hamburg, Germany.

How the P2P Foundation Does High-Level Coordination

Alanna from Loomio met up with Michel Bauwens in Berlin, while both were participating in a conference about Capital for the Commons. They managed to slip out for a few minutes so Michel could tell Alanna about his experience using Loomio with the P2P Foundation, which he founded.

Spreading the collaborative decision-making meme

Loomio cofounder Richard D. Bartlett chats with Matthew Luxon, Auckland changemaker and Loomio champ Matthew Luxon is director of Envision NZ. They develop ideas for social benefit, especially those related to waste and resource recovery: e.g. establishing community recycling centres. “Last year I was working on a project in the Waikato region, with a wide range of stakeholders. As I’m driving from Auckland to Hamilton over and over again, I’m thinking: there must be a better way. Loomio would have halved those trips!”

Vibrant Community Online & Off – the Red Victorian Co-Living Hotel

Alanna from Loomio caught up with Jessy Kate Schingler and Brittany Ferrero in San Francisco, where they were gathering with other social entrepreneurs connected to Enspiral. They took some time out to talk about how collaboration works in their co-living hotel.

How OuiShare is Scaling a Shared Vision Across Countries

Alanna met Benjamin Tincq and Francesca Pick at POC21, an open source hardware innovation camp in a castle in France, which OuiShare was a core convener of. They stepped out to share how they collaborate as a large-scale international distributed community.

How Digital Nomads Run a Distributed Social Media Co-Op

Alanna from Loomio met Romain Chanut at POC21, a 6 week innovation camp in France focused on open source hardware for sustainability. Romain was there with his “Do It Together” JerryCan – a low cost computer you can assemble from recycled materials. We took a break from hacking on hardware to learn more about his other role, as a digital transformer in a social media collective.

How the COY11 Global Youth Coalition Self-Organised to Make an Impact at COP21

Alanna from Loomio met Manon Piazza at POC21, where we were occupying a disused castle outside Paris, prototyping a sustainable society and hacking on open source hardware.

Turning a Conference into a Movement with Loomio

The Equally Well Summit brought people from diverse backgrounds together to discuss a critical problem. Loomio enabled engaging participants prior to, during, and after the conference – helping turn talk into action.

g0v Summit 2014: Taiwan and the future of democracy

I had the immense honour of being invited to participate in the g0v Summit in Taipei last year. The Summit was basically a chance for 700 people to get together and discuss the future of democracy, and hack on some projects that might help us get there faster.

Video: Loomio at Personal Democracy Forum 2014

The Personal Democracy Forum (PDF) in New York is an annual gathering of people from around the world working towards a free and open internet. In June this year, we were lucky enough to be invited to present Loomio at PDF, in a session on “The Future of the Public Internet”. Ben Knight talks about his experience speaking at this amazing event.

Jacqui Graham: Meaningful Engagement in a Large Organisation

Driven to improve the lives of New Zealanders who experience mental illness, Jacqui founded and serves as joint chief executive of the Wise Group, one of the largest non-government providers of community-based mental health and wellness services in New Zealand. The organisation employs over one thousand staff and is regarded as one of the most sophisticated and innovative NGO service providers. Jacqui sat down with us to discuss the importance of staff engagement and why she decided to use Loomio.

Inspiring Disruptors

## people doing awesome stuff with technology, democracy, and collaboration. Inspiring Disruptors are at the vanguard, maximising both autonomy and collaboration. They skillfully bring out the best of technology and the best of people, forging ahead into a new kind of society. We’re following in their footsteps, building tools for a new way of organising, communicating, and cooperating.

Interviewing Amanda Palmer on the gift economy

Amanda Palmer is a musician who has built a hugely successful career based on the gift economy. When you go to her webstore, you see that paying for her music is voluntary: if you’re broke – take it. if you love it, come back and kick in later when you have the money.

Loomio used for large-scale citizen democracy project in Greece

The best thing about building Loomio is hearing how groups are using it in their communities. It was humbling to learn about a cooperative effort between direct democracy groups in Greece, planning an ambitious experiment in citizen democracy across the country, using Loomio as their main platform.

Organising Adventure across Six Continents

> Urban Adventures are a startup with staff and partners spread across the globe. General Manager Tony Carne explains how Loomio has helped them manage conversations across the continents. We have just finished our first 12 months using Loomio as our go-to tool for collaborative decision-making. To give you an idea of our business, Urban Adventures Limited has eight staff.  I’m in Melbourne, four are in Hanoi, one in London and two in Toronto. On top of that we have local Urban Adventure Partners in over 90 destinations, on six continents around the world.

Vivien's Travel Update

Thoughts en route: I am considering what it is I want from a trip as extensive and full as this one. Madrid, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Strasbourg, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, Boston and San Francisco.

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