Meeting Highlights – March 16, 2012
• Written by Richard D. Bartlett
- Decision display has been made cleaner with simple clear icons.
- Motions now how closing date functionality, or can be left open indefinitely.
- Working on the dashboard to clean up the visual representation of open and closed motions, so it's easy to see what you've not yet voted on.
- More discussion of terminology – removing as much as possible so Loomio can be agnostic and fit with many group structures.
- Discussion of the best way to display voting info on the graphs.
- Added liquid democracy-style delegation to the feature to-do list.
- Need to streamline the invitation/registration process.
- Added creation of subgroups to the to-do list.
- Discussed the need to integrate the discussion platform.
- We need to implement more engagement parameters that facilitators can set (such as % of participation needed, etc)
- Identified the need for more help from a visual designer and UI
- Discussed plans to apply for council grant