Loomio Blog: Decision-making

ICCA Consortium 19th General Assembly - Global Governance with Loomio

Coordinating the governance of an organization that spans continents and time zones is no small feat. The ICCA Consortium, a prominent international association supporting the global movement for Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ collective territories of life, used Loomio in their General Assembly (GA), for the second year running.

Teal OS: Scaling decision making practices at Raise

How do distributed decision making practices scale to 450 staff in 3 countries and multiple time zones? Luz Iglesias, Tamara Extian-Babiuk and Sagar Chatterjee at Raise and Loomio's Michael Elwood-Smith met for a campfire chat as part of the Greaterthan Solstice Jamboree.

Introducing Proposal Templates for Advice, Consent, Consensus

We’re delighted to introduce a big update to proposal templates in Loomio. Loomio now includes a series of predefined proposal templates for common decision processes such as Advice process, Consent process and Consensus.

Sociocracy Conference 2023 Loomio presentation and demo

At the 2023 Sociocracy Conference, we were invited to introduce Loomio and demonstrate how it is used by organizations practicing Sociocracy for collective decision-making. Check out the video to learn more about Loomio and how to use it for collaborative governance.

Collaborative decision making is a fundamental skill that every DAO needs.

Making decisions collaboratively is fundamental for any DAO looking to maximize the potential of its participants. Let’s look at why this is so important and how to do it well.

Considerations for Boards in 2021

Much has happened in the world since February 2020. For companies and organizations all over the globe, innovative, fast paced thinking from Executive Teams and Boards have been the key to navigating the global pandemic. Board members have had to interact with each other in different ways - used to face-to-face meetings, they’re now increasingly making decisions via video calls.

How the P2P Foundation Does High-Level Coordination

Alanna from Loomio met up with Michel Bauwens in Berlin, while both were participating in a conference about Capital for the Commons. They managed to slip out for a few minutes so Michel could tell Alanna about his experience using Loomio with the P2P Foundation, which he founded.

Help us start 2014 out with a Bang!

Happy New Year everyone! Loomio has a chance to get our year off on an awesome footing. We are currently in the running for the MIX Prize Digital Freedom Challenge – a competition run by the Management Innovation Exchange (MIX) for organisations who are encouraging and providing for increased autonomy in the workplace.

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