New features: Never lose your work again

Hello friends!

I want to tell you about the new features we've added to Loomio recently. These have been developed in collaboration with our most active organizations, so I hope you'll find them relevant and beneficial!

Never lose your work again!

Loomio now automatically saves a draft as you type. So if you're writing a comment, editing a thread, or developing a proposal, Loomio will save your work as you go.

This works even if..

  • your internet connection drops while you're typing
  • you click the back button, another link or close the tab
  • your browser tab crashes
  • or Loomio goes offline temporarily

You can try this out today: Start a comment then hit refresh before posting it. When the page reloads your draft comment will be there waiting for you.

Collaborate on threads and proposals.

We now support real-time collaboration while editing - just like in Google Docs. Great for taking notes during a meeting, or collaborating on a proposal together.

When you're writing a new thread or proposal, you're the only person who can see it - after the initial version is saved you can collaborate on it with others.

Participation report

Have you ever had questions like:

  • Who are the most and least frequent participants?
  • How many threads lead to decisions?
  • What kind of decisions are being made?

Our new participation report can help you answer these questions and more!

What's in the report?

How many threads, comments, polls, votes and reactions have happened per month. This is graphed so you can see ebbs and flows of usage.

Tag usage
Shows how frequently various tags have been applied during the specified time frame.

Actions per user
Understand who starts the most threads, who is the biggest commenter, who leaves the most reactions and who starts the most proposals.

Users per country, Actions per country
How many users are in each country and which country's users participate the most and least.

Get your participation report today!

Forward an email to start a thread

Your group now has an email address! You can send email to this address to start a thread in your group.

This is helpful if you find yourself replying to an email that should be a Loomio thread. You can just forward the email to Loomio to move the conversation to your group.

The email address is based on your group handle; So if your group URL is, then your group email address is [email protected]

Find out more by clicking your group's email address, which is displayed on the group page like so:

Did you know about our Slack, Teams and other chat integrations?

If you use a chat tool such as Slack or Teams with Loomio then be sure to add a Loomio chatbot to your channel!

• Written by Robert Guthrie

Tags: Features

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