Statistics New Zealand use Loomio for Citizen Engagement

Statistics New Zealand (Tatauranga Aotearoa) is a government department gathering statistics on a wide range of subjects.

They used Loomio to engage citizens in refining the questions for the 2018 Census.

We talked with Susan Riddle, Sophie Davies, and Tom MacDiarmid to find out about the challenges and successes of using Loomio:

“Loomio was for us a new tool: untested waters. Just having a widely-available public discussion was new for us!

It allowed us to expand on what would typically be the local town hall meeting, and reach many more people. We reached people that otherwise wouldn't have contributed to the conversation, including marginalised populations and youth.”

— Tom MacDiarmid, Statistics New Zealand


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• Written by Richard D. Bartlett

Tags: Videos Stories

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