Cultural technology

We’re building this organisation on the principle that anyone affected by a decision should be involved in making it.

We’re building software to make that feasible, but there’s a lot more to it than that. In addition to the digital technology, we also use a lot of ‘cultural technology’ – processes, habits and frameworks that we’ve borrowed or invented to make it possible to coordinate a group of people without resorting to coercive practices.

We’re going to share some of the cultural technology that’s working for us. It’s very much a work in progress, so your feedback will really help to shape it.

We've got some useful essays on our “Loomio Org” wiki, and we're going to keep writing blog posts on the topic. For now, here are the first two:

  1. Priority-setting in a human-centred organisation
  2. More efficient in person meetings with Loomio

We’ll update this post as articles come out 🙂

• Written by Richard D. Bartlett

Tags: Cultural Technology

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