Journeying along our roadmap
A few weeks ago, we laid out our code roadmap for the future of Loomio – and we’ve been hard at work travelling along it! We’re pretty excited about the places we have been, and those still to come. Here’s a whirlwind tour of our journey, so you can start getting just as excited as we are!
In the past two weeks, our code team have rolled out two new features:
- You can now make an attachment of an image or document, which appears as a thumbnail in your post.
- You also have the first version of your very own inbox, which displays discussions you’ve not read, giving you a clear idea of what you need to catch up on.
Why is this important?
Attachment is important because everyone has been asking for it 🙂 We’ve tried to release it as quickly as possible, knowing that there’s room to keep improving as we go. For instance, we’ll be improving performance of this feature in the near future to make it faster.
Our tech team have also been hard at work de-cluttering your main Loomio page. With people using Loomio more and more, the team wanted to create a way to quickly make sure you’re up-to-date with all the discussions and decisions you care about.
So, we built the inbox as a first stab at giving Loomio users a more elegant solution to this problem.
We’ve got a much larger vision for future improvements to Loomio’s “everyday workflow”. Therefore, these changes are only the beginning, keeping in principle with release early, release often.
And that’s not all!
To kick off your weekend with some healthy anticipation, and to make the prospect of Monday that little bit more exciting…
Next week we will be rolling out two new features:
Single sign-on is here: you will be able to sign in to Loomio using Mozilla Persona, Google or Facebook to participate in decisions that are important to you! We’re excited about making Loomio even easier for you – this is yet another step in that direction.
We’re also reversing the chronology of discussions on Loomio. Now you can read the discussion how you would anything else – from top to bottom like a newspaper. This has been in the pipelines for a while, as many people in our Loomio community have been asking for it.
We know that this will be a change to the way people have conversations on Loomio, but we believe this will make your interactive experience far more intuitive. When we user-tested some newbies (at our local mall!) they automatically wanted to scroll downwards to reply to a conversation, which reinforced what many of you have been asking for.
If you want to know more, join our discussion on the Loomio Community group, and chat to some of our lovely dev team who have been journeying along this road:
Tags: code report