Make great decisions
without meetings

Loomio helps you create a more engaged and collaborative culture, build trust and coordinate action

Case studies and interviews

Read more: Self-management, Boards, Cooperatives, Collectives, Policy & government, Unions, Activism, Social enterprise

Customize our templates to suit your practice

Loomio includes templates to help you get started - you can customize these to suit your needs, or make new templates based on your own processes

Trusted by organizations around the globe

    • Open collective
    • Raise recruiting
    • Igalia
    • Camplight
    • Greens of Western Australia
    • New Zealand Educational Institute
    • 10 Pines
    • Zero Waste France
    • What we value about Loomio is that we have a record. We can move the non-contentious stuff forward within Loomio which gives us more space when we are in person to talk about what really matters.

      Nahuel Garbezza
      10 Pines
    • The tool doesn't just facilitate decisions, it invites transformation of how the team collaborates as a whole.

      Marin Petrov
    • Self-management promises better, faster decision making - we proved this benefit by achieving company wide consent to the biggest, most strategic decision the company has ever made - within a week, on Loomio. It was done with all the information, all of the numbers, all the details of the strategy, all of the pros and cons and more than half of the company participated actively.

      Edwin Jansen
      Raise (Ian Martin Group)
    • Loomio is a great tool that has saved us a lot of time. If any organization needs to integrate distributed decision making, then Loomio is going to be a great place to start. It is a tool that is here to stay in Igalia

      Xavier Castaño
    • We recently had a very large decision to make as a whole company. Although everyone was working remotely, we made the decision collectively with everyone’s voice heard using Loomio. Seeing all the engagement while we were unable to come together in person was so very exciting!

      Emily Legree
      Raise (Ian Martin Group)
    • There is no way that we could have built Enspiral without Loomio. As we used Loomio over the years it not only enabled us to develop inclusive decision making processes, it helped many of us level up our professional communication, negotiation and overall decision making skills.

      Anthony Cabraal
    • I find Loomio to be a rich environment to exchange ideas. We have monthly virtual meetings for open discussion, make changes on the document, then upload the next draft to Loomio. Our Pay Policy was approved by proposal and poll in time before the next payroll date.

      Louise Hodgson
      Leeds Environmental Design Associates
    • Loomio has become a core part of our organization. We streamline our decision making processes by contributing thinking in Loomio in between our hui (meetings) and by sharing information so our knowledge grows. It creates a good record of what is happening across all working groups.

      Cally O'Neill
      Te Reo o Ngā Tangata: The People Speak
    • With Loomio, long-distance is no longer an issue. You’ve got the platform to have a discussion, have a vote, and then come to an agreement on something. We get a feel of what everybody’s position is before you even get to the meeting, and you can spend your time hammering out more sensitive issues.

      Kim Smith
      Green Party of West Australia
    • Our board group has been particularly transformative, enabling continuous governance, improving response times and increasing our agility, resilience and sustainability… Loomio saves us thousands of pounds every year.

      Austen Cordasco
      Co-operative Assistance Network Limited (CAN)
    • Our membership is a large, diverse, geographically scattered and busy group. We wanted them to be able to interact with each other to share views and debate ideas rather than just being sent information from our offices.

      Jane Porter
      New Zealand Education Institute (NZEI)

Easy to use, powerful, and open source

The features you need to integrate Loomio into your organization's existing systems

Easy to use
Familiar to anyone who's used a social network. Easy to stay updated and participate by email alone.
Focused discussion platform
Allow conversations to scale and play out asynchronously. Rich text editor, attachments, category tags, annotated discussion timelines.
Expressive voting systems
Support decisions with voting and polling: Show of thumbs, Multiple choice, Score voting, Ranked choice, Dot voting
Handy time polls
Easily find out which meeting time works best for people, then send out calendar events with the winner.
Connect your chat
Send notifications and outcomes to Slack, Mattermost, Matrix and other chat apps.
Simple integration API
Automate threads, polls and memberships
Single Sign On support is available our private host product, or self-hosted servers.
Your data + open source code
Export your history as CSV, HTML or JSON. Host your own server if you wish.
Cloud hosting in EU, US
Want your data stored in Europe? No problem. Australia/NZ and single tennant hosting also available.
No ads, minimal cookies
You are not the product. We do all our analytics in-house. No Google trackers here.
Multiple languages
The app is available in English, French, German, Chinese, Spanish and more
Automatic translation
Inline translation of messages, so that people who do not speak the same lanugage can communicate with each other.

Start making collaborative decisions today

Take the first step in the journey


Made in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Hosting available in USA, EU or Australia/NZ

© 2024 Loomio Cooperative Limited. All rights reserved. “Loomio” is a registered trademark of Loomio Cooperative Limited.