New Economy Network of Australia - Research Working Group
Hi everyone! This is the dedicated Loomio 'virtual working space' for our NENA Research Working Group. Enjoy! :)
NEXT SKYPE CALL - Tuesday 28th March @ 9.30am Qld time (10.30 NSW/Vic time)
To inform members about, and to facilitate, whether in a partnership or advisory capacity, research relevant to the New Economy Network, and that will support the objectives of the Network
Mapping projects – we'll connect with the NENA Mapping Group, who are mapping the geo-spatial location of NE initiatives; we also want to map relevant academic networks
Blog section of website, with 400-500 word regular contributions from members, maybe cycling through working group leaders, each focusing on interesting book/contextualised event relevant to new economy. Target: one per month in 2017; 2/month in 2018.
Dialogue between sector-specific working groups and research group regarding research needs (leading to possible sourcing of support for the former by the latter)
Dialogue between communications working and research group to help produce
a) Factsheets about the new economy and different elements of the network,
b) Summary information about other ‘new economy’ movements around the world?
c) Podcasts/webinars in the lead-up to the September conferenceLiaison with/reporting on relevant conferences events in Australia
o Eg Platform Cooperativsm event late May, possibly at UNSW (co-founder and US academic Trebor Scholz visiting Sydney then)
o Eg likely event at UNSW around 24/25th July due to UK new economy scholar academic visitor Nina Boeger visiting then)