Thu 14 May 2020 9:56PM

(2020 May) Prime Produce COVID-19 Safety Protocols

D David Public Seen by 20

Hi All! Below is the framework the board has worked out. Questions/comments/etc. about safety protocols please post below! We will be starting another thread specifically about reopening plans very soon. Thanks!!

Starting immediately, until further notice, PPAC will be operating the Guild for Good (424 West 54th Street) according to the following safety and access framework.

These are basic safety guidelines, starting from official city, state, and federal guidelines and recommendations, and incorporating best practices developed by many organizations and municipalities across the country who have dedicated considerable thought to balancing safety and access. We are resetting to a very conservative, cautious level, to best allow for safe and gradual reopening of the guild and resumption of (quasi-) normal activity.

Please also keep in mind: these guidelines are meant to protect not just you, but everyone in the community, especially vulnerable people that we may interact with.

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, PLEASE don’t use the guild for regular work. We will be opening a guild-wide discussion to determine next steps.

Essential exceptions (activities that can be done for an extended visit--if you are planning to go in, please contact the board to see if you can help with any of these!):

  • Building maintenance 

  • Security

  • Cleaning / sanitation

  • Garden maintenance (roof/crates/plants)

  • Watering inside plants

Current Safety Practices:

[If you need or have any personal protective equipment and/or sanitizing supplies, please let the board know so that we can make it available for accessing the guild -- [email protected]]

  • PROVISIONAL MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY AT THE GUILD: 4 People in the entire building 

  • Wear your mask / face covering 

  • Social Distancing: at least 6 ft. between people

  • Wipe in and wipe out: surfaces you will be touching/did touch 

  • Regular hand washing -- 30 seconds! Often!

  • Don’t come in if you’re feeling sick at all, or have contact with someone with symptoms or a positive COVID test

  • Carry in/carry out trash (our garbage pickup is currently suspended)

  • No gatherings / hosting - max 2 people coming in together

  • No visits within 14 days of out-of-state travel (official guideline)

  • Stair etiquette: a person coming down has right-of-way. Only 1 person in the stairwell at a time!

  • Keep exterior doors locked at all times.

  • Keep visits as short as possible.

  • Contact board with any questions / concerns! [email protected]

This framework is a ground-floor reset and starting point for us to prepare for reopening -- it is first about the safety of the community! If you have any specific questions about things that don’t fit, just contact the board (again, [email protected]) and we can discuss!

This policy has been crafted with love and care by the PPAC Board of Directors (Michelle, Yuko, Dave, Jerone,  and Marcos).


David Tue 1 Feb 2022 11:57PM

creating a new pinned thread with current guidelines (Feb 1 2022)