Mon 15 Jun 2020 11:21PM
Unable to invite members to threads or decisions.
Seen by 31
The ability to invite members to a thread or decision is broken in my loomio community. This takes place whether I try to invite 1 person or several.
Here's a screenshot. It shows that the POST to "/announcements" is broken.
This is the response:
{"errors":{"emails":["translation missing: en.{:message=\u003e\"invitationform.error.toomany_pending\", :count=\u003e100}"]}}
I'd like to help troubleshoot this. What can I do to get started?
themooinisblue Wed 17 Jun 2020 7:23PM
Hi @Rob Guthrie I'm not the admin of the site. Ironically, I cannot get in touch with the admins of the site, because the contact link {site}/contact is broken.
In particular, this route bombs.
Request URL:
That said, I found their email and will try to get ahold of them. Thanks for your help. Let me see what they say.
Robert Guthrie · Tue 16 Jun 2020 11:08PM
Hi @themooinisblue , what version of Loomio are you running? Are you the admin of the site? I don't have enough information to help at this stage.
If the site is broken, I'm willing to help you get it fixed but I'll need to see the server log errors