Wed 2 Sep 2020 9:07PM
Loomio Docker install next to Apache
Seen by 49
I have tried to install Loomio via Docker ( package) on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS and it's (still) not a next-next-finish process.
Moreover, Apache is already running on the target server, so I can't use port 80/443 in the Docker configuration, deploy fails.
Any ideas how to map it to a address via another ports?
Colin Fletcher Mon 15 Mar 2021 4:50PM
I had a look through your script, @T, and I think passing through the SSL connection like you do is a much cleaner way to do it. Thanks for making it available!
joesab · Mon 7 Sep 2020 10:29PM
I´m sorry no one could help answering, I also had troubles with docker even after going through every setting :-(