Board Meeting July 12th 2018 Draft Agenda
July 2018 Agenda
- Agree Chair
- Apologies
- Agree Minutes of last meeting
- Ops
- Enquiries and contacts to/from Board members
- Finance update
- Membership update
- Projects
- Strategy for 2018-19
- How do we measure success?
- Freelance Roster
- Updating OSM Wiki / UK Pages
- OSM UK processes
- Use of Loomio for proposals / Board Meeting Agenda
- Directors to add “Director” to name in Loomio
- Access to ‘admin’ group on Loomio (aka Jez doesn’t have write access / who is an admin?)
- Reports from events
- GB1900 Gazetteer launch event - Adam
- Future events
- OSMUK October meetup
- SOTM 2018 - Jez & Gregory to speak to all UK delegates and gauge opinion on OSM UK
- UK Mapping Festival 2019
Actions from June 2018 Meeting
- Rob to setup Wordpress account for Jez
- Rob to remove Jon from the board@ mailing list.
- Rob to e-mail OSMF board to update with the discussion we've had.
- Adam to contact Harry and suggest ideas for UK Mapping Festival Fringe event
- Brian to see if he can get a contact for the organisers of UK Mapping Festival
- Adam and Rob to co-ordinate & lead on NLS/GB1900 project, which may continue for the coming years.
- Rob to get in contact with Julian to know about the afternoon group feedback that happened?
- Brian to send thanks to ODI Manchester from the board.
- Jez to ask & get ball rolling about finding active mappers and KPIs. Greg to help and co-ordinate.
- add analytics to website, to be done when we've decided who is responsible for the website.
- Freelance Roster - Greg to circulate his own T&C to board group.
- Freelance Roster - Rob to start a Google form to collect details of people that would want to be on
- Strategy 2018 - Brian to create a draft of strategy, so that we've got that to discuss and work on (not a blank canvas). Keep open to other members, so they can have discussions.
- Brian to collate all the Geospatial Commission notes from talk-gb etc so we have something to feed to the commission.
Comment from Brian:
Rob sends his apologies for the Board meeting tomorrow. @ Adam can we have an agenda and action list populated from last meeting ready before the meeting?
The finance report will be identical to last month ( I've checked with Jon). Do we still want Jon to be our bank main contact? I vote yes to save the bureaucratic hassle. In addition I have arranged a meeting with our accountants to formalise arrangements so we can get a better service - I take it no-one wants to go on a search for another accountant? Once we agree our strategy then I can prepare a budget for the year.
Brian Prangle Thu 12 Jul 2018 5:57PM
great improvement Adam. it would be nice to have the action list as something like a spreadsheet that grows through the year with each board meeting where folk can sign off when their action is complete and add notes where activity has occurred but not led to completion. This can then become our main working and reportinf tool (and we can have a session at Board meetings berating those who don't initiate actions ;-)
Brian Prangle Thu 12 Jul 2018 6:00PM
Additions to agenda:
Projects: Notes app; QP update
Future events: Data4Good Conference November 14 2018
Brian Prangle Thu 12 Jul 2018 7:04PM
Board meeting failure and recovery: we failed to achieve a quorum by 19:50 so Jezand I decided that the Board should discuss and agree all the items on the agenda online between now and Sunday evening and if necessary reconvene next Thurs evening same time same place. Best way of doing this? Shall I set up a google doc of the agenda and actions where we can comment and vote?
Brian Prangle Thu 12 Jul 2018 7:41PM
I went ahead anyway and set up googlesheets for actions and meeting- Directors let me know if you haven't had an email giving you acccess
Adam Hoyle Thu 12 Jul 2018 10:09PM
Hey, sorry about battery / location failure this evening. I’m available for a reschedule next Thurs (19th).
Glad you dig the cateogories @brianprangle and thanks for starting a sheet for managing actions - I was going to do the same, so will have a think about how to improve it.
@jeznicholson i invited you to this group last night - are you able to post to it now?
Jez Nicholson Fri 13 Jul 2018 6:42AM
indeed, I am
Jez Nicholson Fri 13 Jul 2018 6:47AM
I had set up some Loomio Decisions to see how well it documents and distributes agenda items. The finish date being just after the meeting-that-wasnt does anyone want me to reopen them so that you can vote?
Gregory Marler (former Director) Thu 19 Jul 2018 7:54PM
Minutes of the meeting that got postponed to the 19th.
(awaiting approval from board before we post them to the website)
Actions from previous meetings
Working throught the actions from June's project. With specific conversation on the following points...
Rob reported back on his call with the 1900s meeting.
Jez and Greg to chat on reviewing the discussions of KPIs, and which we would like to use if we could measure/record them. Might be good to consider engaging with our academic connections.
Next step on the 2018 strategy? Should work out what the actions are that come out of that. To look at creating a quarterly task list, and to see how that goes.
Geospatial commission contact, has over run the Cabinet Office policy to reply within 15 days.
Enquires to board
Brian has been contacted from "BBC Shared Data Unit" in Birmingham, asking to do some training with their interns. Payment unknown, should at least ask if there is budget for payment.
SW Highways Authority, small consultancy (use open source). Will consider a case studies and/or corporate membership. Brian to continue and share a link to what they do.
BCU, further discussion now about collaboration but still slow to get replies. We could be proactive in creating a list of suitable student projects (inc linking to existing OSM lists/ideas).
Northampton University - Brian put in a quote as "OSM UK" in case nobody else did. It's been accepted, Brian happy with profit to stay in OSM UK coffers.
Brighton Digital Festival, Jez saw this was happening so contacted them.
ODI HQ, talking to Rob about barriers to OSM UK use and sent a document. Rob to share with board.
Financial Update
About £1400 in accounts. With £14 gone to CIC regulator report.
Brian working with Moose Accountants, and has letter of engagement. Meeting with them has been beneficial. Brian to agree that and link software, only exception being that we won't set our registered address to them. All directors on call agreed. Brian to also create a spreadsheet so we can manage invoices of corporate members.
Membership update
Action, Rob to check third skin membership and chase for blog post details.
1 new standard member.
Most points discussed earlier in meetings.
Updating OSM Wiki (UK pages). Jez trying to organise an audit, so it's a step towards being able to tidy it. Could possibly set up a working group, no response.
Notes App, no recent progress. Adam would like to have someone else to work with so he's more productive. Need to know where to get map tiles from. Trello board now exists with the tasks. OSM Focus now released source code, which might be helpful.
QP (quarterly project) update. Should use as a way of contacting other organisations. Each director can contact local orgs.
Adam can add projects to StreetComplete App, action for him to do that.
Repeated discussion to keep putting stuff in public Loomio. Try to have director votes outside of meetings. Directors to add "(Director)" to their name on Loomio, to make it clear that we are discussing and listening, and everyone is involved.
Reports from events
Brian to share details from Digital Transport Conference, which was helpful for how he explained OSM as "elevator pitch".
Next events
Bristol or Southampton suggested for an October event. Should we put a post to the members? Yep.
Open Data Camp, Jez and Gregory intend to attend.
Data4Good, Adam and others considering to attend.
CIC Regulator report now gone off. Awaiting confirmation that it's been accepted.
Board meetings communication. Calls are expensive. Adam found Mumble, and curious as to whether we should consider it. Decided to stick with the phone system.
Meeting finished +84 minutes.
RobJN Thu 19 Jul 2018 9:17PM
I agree. I have also captured all the minutes to Google Spreadsheet.
Adam Hoyle · Wed 11 Jul 2018 7:48PM
@brianprangle FYI I've updated the main post on this thread with draft Agenda, as didn't want it to get buried in the comments.
I'm finding my feet with the agenda, and thought it made sense to make the grouping of points clearer by grouping - so any/all feedback welcome and graciously accepted.