Wed 11 Jul 2018 11:27AM
Board Meeting July 12th 2018 Draft Agenda
Brian Prangle
Seen by 241
July 2018 Agenda
- Agree Chair
- Apologies
- Agree Minutes of last meeting
- Ops
- Enquiries and contacts to/from Board members
- Finance update
- Membership update
- Projects
- Strategy for 2018-19
- How do we measure success?
- Freelance Roster
- Updating OSM Wiki / UK Pages
- OSM UK processes
- Use of Loomio for proposals / Board Meeting Agenda
- Directors to add “Director” to name in Loomio
- Access to ‘admin’ group on Loomio (aka Jez doesn’t have write access / who is an admin?)
- Reports from events
- GB1900 Gazetteer launch event - Adam
- Future events
- OSMUK October meetup
- SOTM 2018 - Jez & Gregory to speak to all UK delegates and gauge opinion on OSM UK
- UK Mapping Festival 2019
Actions from June 2018 Meeting
- Rob to setup Wordpress account for Jez
- Rob to remove Jon from the board@ mailing list.
- Rob to e-mail OSMF board to update with the discussion we've had.
- Adam to contact Harry and suggest ideas for UK Mapping Festival Fringe event
- Brian to see if he can get a contact for the organisers of UK Mapping Festival
- Adam and Rob to co-ordinate & lead on NLS/GB1900 project, which may continue for the coming years.
- Rob to get in contact with Julian to know about the afternoon group feedback that happened?
- Brian to send thanks to ODI Manchester from the board.
- Jez to ask & get ball rolling about finding active mappers and KPIs. Greg to help and co-ordinate.
- add analytics to website, to be done when we've decided who is responsible for the website.
- Freelance Roster - Greg to circulate his own T&C to board group.
- Freelance Roster - Rob to start a Google form to collect details of people that would want to be on
- Strategy 2018 - Brian to create a draft of strategy, so that we've got that to discuss and work on (not a blank canvas). Keep open to other members, so they can have discussions.
- Brian to collate all the Geospatial Commission notes from talk-gb etc so we have something to feed to the commission.
Comment from Brian:
Rob sends his apologies for the Board meeting tomorrow. @ Adam can we have an agenda and action list populated from last meeting ready before the meeting?
The finance report will be identical to last month ( I've checked with Jon). Do we still want Jon to be our bank main contact? I vote yes to save the bureaucratic hassle. In addition I have arranged a meeting with our accountants to formalise arrangements so we can get a better service - I take it no-one wants to go on a search for another accountant? Once we agree our strategy then I can prepare a budget for the year.
Jez Nicholson Tue 24 Jul 2018 6:29AM
I agree the minutes
Adam Hoyle · Mon 23 Jul 2018 7:16PM
I agree the minutes