User Signup and Garden Creation Flow
When users decide to create accounts, what does that look like?
simonv3 Thu 16 Oct 2014 3:45AM
Hmm, you raise a good point. Should the user get a default garden so that "add to my garden" would work? It would just be a garden with nothing set on it.
Another point along that train of thought is that I'm wondering whether there's a difference between "add to my garden" and "star this guide".
Rory Aronson Thu 16 Oct 2014 6:29AM
Oh, I never thought about giving them a default garden. I think that is a good idea! When they signup (at the first screen), a garden is created for them with a default name of 'Garden 1' and no other attributes. On the last screen we could change the text to: 'Now, let's customize you first Garden'. If they skip that, they still have a garden.
I think the 'Add to my Garden' is to denote that the user is using the Growing Guide and actually has the Crop planted at their house in one of their gardens. The 'Star' or 'Like' or whatever it turns out to be is just to save favorite content for future reference, whether or not they are actually using the content at the moment. Maybe that is not necessary? Probably not for an MVP, at least!
Rory Aronson · Wed 15 Oct 2014 4:00PM
After some iterating, this is what we have so far. It is a three step process that is designed to be fast and simple. Technically only the first step is required to create an account - though that account would not have any data tied to it, therefore making compatibility and any future "add to my garden" features not work. Granted, of course the user will be able to go back and edit their profile and fill in the details if they wish. One notable missing piece is profile pictures.
Feedback on the flow, aesthetic, layout, and fields is welcome!
Original document is here where you can play around and annotate if you like!