Thu 24 Oct 2024 2:55PM

Organizing Circle Meeting: 2024 7 November (Thursday) 1300 UTC

M MarieVC (social.coop/@MarieVC) Public Seen by 6

The Organizing Circle for social.coop will meet 2024 7 November (Thursday) 1300 - 1430 UTC. We will meet here: https://socialcoop.meet.coop/kat-aiw-mpv-6vv.


MarieVC (social.coop/@MarieVC) Tue 5 Nov 2024 5:37AM

To-do List

  • Caitlin: learn how to use NextCloud to update meeting time announcement for all SC users and make an announcement on Social.Coop for next meeting and today's meeting recap that all SC members can see. 

  • Kathe: Recap and agenda(?), organize Legal meeting

  • Matt: find language on inclusive nomination criteria/process

  • Matt: draft short process for election of new member

  • Marie: Marie: info/1st Loomio message next meeting (details about the meeting), reminder, to-do list (will also contact Flan, to explore possible to-do list tools)

  • Edumerco: make another meeting with the CWG to keep going the onboarding process


Kathe TB Tue 5 Nov 2024 6:47PM


Tentative agenda! To be consented to at the start of the meeting or revised/discussed in thread here.

1300 [5 min] ADMIN

  • Who is here?

  • Does anyone need to leave early?

  • Confirm our next call on 7 November 2024 1300 UTC

  • Who is note taking?

  • Who is facilitating? Kathe

1305 [10 min] Check in:

1315 [5 min] Recaps

1325 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?

  • Call a round to check in with people

1335 [20 min] Updates from working circles

  • Finance

  • Tech

  • Community

  • Legal

1355 [10 min] Decision: What is our process for selecting new members for OC? Do we have next steps?

1405 [05 min] Scoping: How we at social.coop decide things

  • What kind of decisions do we want to keep making the same way we have been?

  • What kind of decisions do we need to change or revise how we make?

1415 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?

1420 [5 min] Backlog: What should we be talking about in the next 2-4 calls?

  • organize a public discussion on how social.coop interacts with corporate presences in the Fediverse

  • tracking projects of the Organizing Circle (and possibly extending this to collaborations with other working groups) specifically in relationship to managing to-do items

  • revisit onboarding documentation

  • set goals and priorities for social.coop for the next year

1425 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.


Kathe TB Thu 7 Nov 2024 2:36PM


1300 [5 min] ADMIN

  • Who is here? Kathe, Eduardo, Matt, Marie, Flancian, Caitlin 

  • Does anyone need to leave early?

  • Confirm our next call on 21 November 2024 1300 UTC

  • Who is note taking? Matt

  • Who is facilitating? Kathe

1305 [10 min] Check in:

1315 [5 min] Recaps

1325 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?

1335 [20 min] Updates from working circles

  • Finance

  • Tech

    • We had a bill related issue again, now we've paid two months in a row (thanks dphiffer!). But we need to improve on process and tracking.

    • who should pay bills?

      • TWG?

        • true for now

      • FWG?

    • wiki.social.coop has been updated so we can upload images again

    • http://iocoop.org membership

      • vps, cooperative, competitive prices

      • on aligning incentives (we would like to keep using coop services low-overhead w.r.t. hiring corporate services)

      • located in the US

        • important to have a plan B

      • should the OC help manage these coop-to-coop relationships?

      • would we have representation on iocoop governance?

      • member vote on this? 

      • Reactions:

        • We like the idea of joining forces with other coops

        • Matt: we joined meet.coop and we're still using it. We used to have participation earlier, now not so much. Would we need to participate in their governance?

          • A vote is appropriate.

          • Location in the US is not great but the coop thing is a real plus.

        • agreed: use it to experiment with alpha.social.coop first, to see how it works

      • Q: noticed that there's a conversation about sunsetting TWG members

  • Community

    • >>> Flancian: on the meeting I had with @dynamic

      • On better 'taking stands' or aligning behind ideological positions as a community.

      • vibe in discussions of ops - lack of discussion/decision on ideological/policy positions, e.g. Threads, Bluesky...

      • community sense-making convo to develop policy positions -- OC should organize this, do it as a regular and ongoing convo

      • self-definition of a community, important to keep it moving forward

        • how do we decide (as a group/community) what our position is?

      • on whether we want to be/serve one community or two, or many

      • important to listen to this kind of feedback, also not to over-weigh one person's voice (we should hear a variety of voices to know how widespread these impressions are)

      • we support the idea of the OC helping facilitate this  conversation and sense-making.

        • we need to better understand our positions/the positions of the community

      • proposal: we plan a conversation container for this topic for the beginning of next year.

        • approved

    • >>> chat alternatives: Matrix to chat (some CWG members don't want to use it), what's the best way to have the conversations around moderation? Explore hosting our own chat service? 

      • Matrix self-hosted? Can bridge to other protocols

      • This is a common discussion... Edumerco interested in this conversation -- sovereign communications

      • Edumerco: Zulip as an alternative? good usability, floss, can have on our own server...

      • part of SC is already on Matrix... especially TWG and everyone on the "open chat room"

      • have chat platform: 

        • self-hosted for our own internal ops purposes and/or 

        • for members to use for their own purposes?

        • jointly hosted with other instances? e.g. cosocial.ca?

      • Reactions:

        • neutral from people who don't currently use matrix

        • no harm in experimenting

        • transparency and keeping things in one place is a good idea in principle

        • self-hosting is a good idea

        • Whare are all the relevant dimensions we have to include on the exploration and decision? 

        • Is this about a coordination tool for WG, or provisioning it as a service (higher commitment)? 

        • could we as a co-op have multiple services?

      • Matt: post about this to CWG

      • Flan: start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space cross-WG

    • >>> updating on-call procedure on Wiki about a member facing mental health issues

  • Legal

1355 [10 min] Decision: What is our process for selecting new members for OC? Do we have next steps?

  • Matt no update

  • Historically 

  • How do we want to do this moving forward?

    • OC decide on profile of needs, open nominations, OC decides

    • turnover is crucial, to ensure continuity -- rotate off 1/2 of OC this year

      • but the term is two years long, so we need to discuss how to manage the edge case (as we've all been around for one year only)

    • minimum we need to do is replace an at large member

    • we are working well together, need to keep continuity

    • add more members [perhaps by having two people from each WG], and hold off on rotating off while OC is being consolidated

    • diversity of membership? do we know?

1405 [05 min] Scoping: How we at social.coop decide things

  • What kind of decisions do we want to keep making the same way we have been? 

  • What kind of decisions do we need to change or revise how we make?

1415 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?

  • Kathe: Recap and next agenda

  • Marie: To-do (+alternatives), reminder, starting thread Loomio next meeting

  • Edu: convene the meeting to move the onboarding process. 

  • Matt: 

    • find language on inclusive nomination criteria/process

    • draft short process for election of new member

    • communicate with CWG about matrix/Zulip etc

  • Flan: start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space cross-WG -> https://social.coop/@flancian/113442146418892106

  • Caitlin: moving our public calendar item meeting date; 

1420 [5 min] Backlog: What should we be talking about in the next 2-4 calls?

  • organize a public discussion on how social.coop interacts with corporate presences? adversary instances? in the Fediverse

    • let's add the Ekumen proposal discussion? 

  • End of year report with recruitment

    • list of members of each WG

    • link to meeting notes for each WG

  • Organize topic on community values/principles

  • tracking projects of the Organizing Circle (and possibly extending this to collaborations with other working groups) specifically in relationship to managing to-do items

  • revisit onboarding documentation

  • set goals and priorities for social.coop for the next year

1425 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.


Kathe TB Thu 21 Nov 2024 12:55AM


Organizing circle discussed the process for selecting new OC members and heard updates from the working circles.

Historical Organizing Circle had an open Loomio thread for self-nomination (https://www.loomio.com/p/Tru1HSil/join-the-new-social-coop-organizing-circle-a-call-for-nominations-) followed by a random Jury selection from the mastdon and Loomio rolls. This jury then selected a set of people who self-nominated based on a criteria that tried to balance diversity and expertise. The set of people where then put to the coop for a vote. This process was set for the initial stand up of the Organizing Circle (https://www.loomio.com/p/OI8kEjVz/social-coop-organizing-circle-proposal ) but does not necessarily need to be followed moving forward. We do need a way to add new people and want to ensure that we have continuity and regular turnover. We will revisit this topic at the next meeting.


  • Finance working group: Discussed member recruitment and pulling together an end of year report for 2024.

  • Tech working group: Still struggling with billing. Wiki.social.coop is updated (image upload is fixed!). Looking at joining a coop owned server for our hosting.

  • Community working group:

    • We need a better way to talk about how to take strategic positions (informed by politics) as social.coop; current conversations on Loomio have been challenging for members and not felt good. OC will figure out a container for these conversations in the new year.

    • There was some discussion around Matrix alternatives to chat. We need further discussion within the working groups and beyond on this.

    • Update to the on-call procedure on the Wiki about members facing mental health issues

  • Legal: No update


Kathe TB Thu 21 Nov 2024 12:58AM


  • tracking projects of the Organizing Circle (and possibly extending this to collaborations with other working groups) specifically in relationship to managing to-do items

  • revisit onboarding documentation

  • set goals and priorities for social.coop for the next year

  • January 2025 - Plan community conversation on coop political stances and how this influences strategic decisions.

    • organize a public discussion on how social.coop interacts with corporate presences in the Fediverse