Should we accept funding for this project?
Should we accept funding at the start of the project? On one hand it would make things a lot easier, on the other it might make things too easy, if we did it by ourselves without any help it would give a greater sense of accomplishment and might be more inspiring to people, look they started it with a tiny budget no budget.
Blaine Smith Mon 2 Sep 2013 1:48AM
We still haven't really come to a conclusion yet, I was expecting more input, to maybe alter the balance, but I guess that might be too much to expect. So I'll add something else to the equation. I was thinking about how loans are kind of like what we are going for. A RBE is like having the ability to take out any sized loan and never need to pay it back, except obviously it bypasses the money part all together so we deal directly with the resources. So really if we were to take out a loan with no intention of paying it off would be just like how we intend to live. I mean it's not like money is real any way, it's just a figment of our collective imagination. So any resulting trouble in the monetary system would in effect be beneficial towards us. Granted it might give a bit of a negative light on us in the eyes of some of the public, but negative interest is better than no interest, Right? Kind of like a new age Robin Hood.
Rodney Greenmoon Haitana Wed 4 Sep 2013 3:06PM
Yes I tend to agree with Ashley...but being from Australia I am really in the dark as to American goverment rules and regulations are concerned.
but I will try to have some input to the best I can to help this group progress forward...good work team
Blessings from Aussie
Xich Quy Wed 4 Sep 2013 4:59PM
Let's just agree we will exploit any means necessary. It's not about the image, it's about what will we accomplish when we apply technology intelligently. Besides, the game is so rigged, you need to cheat to get ahead.
Xich Quy · Wed 28 Aug 2013 4:47PM
Maybe we should exploit the system (bleed it) however we can. Take out a huge loan with no intention on paying it back. Let's look at our options at least. Crowd sourcing doesn't sound like a bad idea especially when (and I am assuming here) anyone can come and live with us - it'll be like a time-share.