Inbox semi-private beta release
Our inbox feature is now running on production. We welcome you to try it out by visiting
What do you think? As we get the kinks sorted we'll include a link in the top nav bar and remove new discussion and comment notifications from the notifications drop down.
Richard D. Bartlett Thu 27 Jun 2013 8:55AM
I'm really enjoying the inbox. It is so freaking fast! Love the discussion icon @kellycheesman! Also the hovers on the new mini graphs are cool.
First thoughts that come to mind:
- I think group titles should be smaller: there's only 2 things on the page, headings and list items, so the distinction between the 2 doesn't need to be so stark
- List items should highlight on hover
- I really want this to be a dropdown on the navbar, so I can easily navigate from one unread discussion to the next.
If it were a dropdown:
- it would want to be squished down to less than half its current width, which might be easier if we remove the timestamp
- I'd have the 'Inbox' heading static (in the way the 'Notifications' title is static), and have a settings icon there. (As it is I thought the Preferences link was a bit hidden.)
Very keen to hear thoughts about this feature from people like @joshuavial and @seantilleycommunit :)
Jon Lemmon Thu 27 Jun 2013 2:02PM
I open each discussion in a new tab, and I'd really like the discussion to disappear from the inbox when I do that (instead of having to hit refresh).
Jon Lemmon Thu 27 Jun 2013 2:19PM
@robertguthrie Oh also, from an implementation perspective -- I just realized that "mark all as read" needs to make sure only to mark the discussions as read that the user currently sees in the inbox (in case any new activity has come up since the user loaded the inbox that they can't see yet). If ya catch my drift...
Jon Lemmon Thu 27 Jun 2013 2:33PM
I'm feeling so stoked to have read all of my discussions!
Ut oh... I think Loomio may have just gotten a bit more addictive now. =/
Joshua Vial Thu 27 Jun 2013 9:33PM
Fantastic, big improvement overall - initial thoughts.
- I want mark as read to remove proposals as well as discussions
- agree with dropping font size of group name
- Putting all sub groups on an equal fotting actually increased noise for me, more on that below
- ordering preferences is hard on a big list, a send to top button for each category would be awesome
- the speed of the inbox highlights the speed of everything else, I would prefer a popover or preview pane to read the comments instead of having to go to the full page - showing just the unread comments on mouseover with a click to go to the full discussion would be fantastic.
My main point of feedback is that I want this sorted by big group and not sub group. In my head I organise things by 'loomio stuff', 'enspiral stuff', 'services stuff' and having to order/hide all the sub groups individually is a real pain.
- in the preferences panel I want to order the main list by top level group and only order sub groups within their parent group
- likewise I want to hide a whole parent group at a time on the dashboard
big improvement as it is however.
Robert Guthrie Fri 28 Jun 2013 3:57AM
Thanks for the feedback everyone it's all really great and I don't see anything much that I disagree with.
@joshuavial thanks for the insight into how to provide reordering functions.
@jonlemmon the only 2 clear ways I can think of ensuring that we only mark shown unread stuff as read would be either checkboxes or live updates. I think we might need both in the future.
Happy to make it so you can mark proposals as read.
As far as using inbox to navigate the new stuff.. I don't think I want to try to fit a discussion into a preview. (but I would like to add a lead to fill the line) I think that using inbox as a dropdown or sidebar would provide a better navigation experience.
Robert Guthrie Fri 28 Jun 2013 3:58AM
What do people think of having the dashboard as something very similar to inbox but it shows a limited amount of read content for each group you choose to show?
Richard D. Bartlett Fri 28 Jun 2013 4:36AM
I'm ok with that @robertguthrie. Perhaps now is a good time to think about including recently-closed proposals on the dashboard too?
Joshua Vial Fri 28 Jun 2013 6:56AM
@robertguthrie personally I wouldn't want to see any read content and just want to get through unread stuff as quickly as possible
Richard Fortune · Thu 27 Jun 2013 4:42AM
Sweet! Nothing feels as refreshing as marking a big queue of "updates" as READ! Now hussshhhhhh inbox...husssshhh