Thematic Working Groups
Right to the city (Public Spaces / Urbanism + Right to the city + Housing)
Democratic tools for democracy (Participation of citizens to urban policies + Technology for citizen)
Currencies and financing of commons
Laws, legal mechanisms that prevent commons
Well-being as commons (Food + Health)
Refugees and Migrants
Nicole Leonard Thu 20 Jul 2017 3:49PM
My personal tracking (messy, hope to clean it soon!):
Form results:
Gaelle Thu 20 Jul 2017 5:45PM
As I said I'm happy to help organize on the issue of the refugees. If I'm not mistaken David Gabriel from Grenoble wanted to participate. And probably some other people that were in Barcelona for Fearless cities.
I'm also interested to help more generally on the planning and designing of the workshops. But as i said on another loomio thread I'm leave soon on holydays. I'll catch up when I come back (August 20).
Nicole Leonard Fri 21 Jul 2017 10:38AM
Ok, only issue is that we don't have anyone yet signing up on refugees. (There is however some on right to the city). So there is so work required to mobilize people.
I will contact David Gabriel on which issue he would like to work on.
One thing to consider is aligning more with European Alternatives since they do a lot on refugees. An interesting process could team up with the Data Viz - Visualizar Workshop with Daniele Grasso, The Migrant Files workshop that is already taking place in MLP on Thursday (I have to confirm that on Monday).
Gaelle Sat 22 Jul 2017 3:33PM
Thank you for contacting David.
Daphne also wanted to be part of it.
I will work on getting more people.
Ana Méndez de Andés Mon 7 Aug 2017 8:43PM
Hi. There has been 70 inscriptions via the form. I have created a excell sheet with only the workshops choices and where I include in separate tabs two proposals:
OPTION A_ the first - and most obviuos - would be to take the seven themes with more people:
- Currencies and financing of commons
- Laws, legal mechanisms that prevent commons
- Public Spaces / Urbanism
- Participation of citizens to urban policies
- Technology for citizen
- Housing
- Food
This has, in my opinion, two problems:
1/ it leaves 10 people that don't have those themes even as second choice, and
2/ there are a certain overlap of themes that could useful to combine: on teh one hand, in our experience the participaction and the technological tool go hand in hand and would be difficult to think them separately; on the other, it might be interesting to join the right to the city with urbanism/public spaces and housing, and then see what people want to make out of it. That would allow to join it with the water/energy (infrastructure/methabolism) theme as well. TThsi approach would take us to:
OPTION B_ Re-arrangement of themes:
- Right to the city (Public Spaces / Urbanism + Right to the city + Housing)
- Democratic tools for democracy (Participation of citizens to urban policies + Technology for citizen)
- Currencies and financing of commons
- Laws, legal mechanisms that prevent commons
- Well-being as commons (Food + Health)
- Refugees and Migrants
This gives the opportunity to try to fit all choices (but for a missing person that, according to their expresion of interest might also fit in the Right to the City). It reduces workshops to six, although probably Right to the City, with 20 people, could decide to splitin two, but it includes Refugees and Migrants which has so far only three people interested.
Gaelle Tue 8 Aug 2017 7:59AM
Hi all,
Not surprisingly I favor option B (less workshop, migrants in). I said I'd work on recruting people on the issue of migrants, just acknowledge that I won't be able to do it until before August 20, when I come back.
Nicole Leonard Tue 8 Aug 2017 8:25AM
Hi @malashierbas, thank you for doing this division! :)
I am also for option 2. If others agree too then I think the next steps would be:
- Create the lists for each workshop with people's names and email addresses
- Check to make sure each one has 1-2 leaders and work to confirm with them
- Write up an "introduction" to be eventually sent to participants at the end of the month; ideally this would reflect our ideas on modularity/documentation, invitation for those in each group to decide beforehand what are some goals or outputs for the workshop, and an idea about what would be necessary in terms of space/tool requirements to make it happen(?)
We should make sure before we send it that we are clear on the method and also logistical details on travel etc. because people will start asking for info.
I'm back now basically from now until Madrid so ready to work on this; we (Ana and I) could try to split up and do 3 groups each, but it's probably simpler for just one person to do it...
Z. Blace Tue 8 Aug 2017 10:18AM
Option B sounds better...
...and could be even more so if
Well-being as commons (Food + Health)
...could maybe be changed to
Well-being as commons (Food + Health + Leisure)?
I am intersted (with few other people) more on
Commoning practices in Sport and Recreation
as there is much to do there with fan owned cooperatives
(self-organized sports clubs), community events and
infrastructure for recreation in public space.
Best Zeljko
Frédéric Sultan Tue 8 Aug 2017 10:38AM
Yes, option B seems very good. Thanks Ana.
Nicole Leonard · Thu 20 Jul 2017 1:41PM
27 responses to form so far
High interest in public spaces/urbanism, currencies/finance, participation to policies
Moderate interest in legal mechanisms and citizen technology
Also some "right to the city" - so something in between "housing" and public spaces
Health has some interest but they are all Spanish organizations
Food culture and refugees have almost no one
Point people identified:
Currencies: Levente Polyak
Part. to Public Policy: Stephanie BOST + idea to ask participation department of Medialab
Health: Abel Novora
Public Spaces/urbanism: Not confirmed yet but probably Alvaro Puertas or David Bodnier
Legal mechanisms: not identified yet, maybe @fredericsultan or ana mendez
Technology: not idenfitied yet but maybe David H. or @sophie
Refugees: Gaelle Krikorian. Not much sign up but could maybe combine with Transeuropa efforts plus Visualizar's activity on migration
Food: no
Housing: no
Need to look more carefully at "Other"
Deadline to fill form extended to August 4th (Friday)
- Will need to consider people who want to participate in ECA but not in workshops (also we can just leave it open)
- Late August, organize the groups and do introductions to outline a basic goal for the workshops