Integrating reading assignment 2: Shaping part1 - Principles of Shaping & Setting Boundaries

A container for reflections from the separate reading clubs that we want to bring into our collective awareness. This is both a place to bring the insights, questions, highlights and feedback FROM your group and to collect feedback from other groups that you can carry INTO your group.

Caroline Woolard Thu 27 Apr 2023 11:20AM
Hello US crew @Kayla E -- what is your pacing for the next months in terms of readings and questions? I would love to be on the same page and asked Ronen and he directed me here...
Kayla E Mon 1 May 2023 11:54PM
@Caroline Woolard so far, I get the assignment from Ronen, then repost it the US group slack channel. Then we pick a time to meet and discuss. its very casual (its only me, Nathan & Lauren). meetings have been 1x/month so far. about 1-1.5hr
as of right now, we've completed assignment + meeting # 2, and are awaiting instructions for assignment 3.
Kayla E · Thu 20 Apr 2023 6:51PM
Thoughts from US Sync:
the examples they give are very base-level, not very intricate or business-related
setting boundaries:
what problem is this solving?
Kayla - Sometimes the 2.0 label is appropriate, not sure why we have 6 week cycles
it can be good to go down the rabbit hole to really consider what the full play-out could look like
not sure if this is the right process for us (K), we are not hierarchal. the example in the book is a bit condesding like 'don't give a no, give a soft no' but we are prioritizing first party hosts so we are co-workers so...
nathan, our fellow team-members did waste three weeks but that's our current process and not a good use of time. people recognize that it should not have been prioritized
lauren, well the book and our current process are not the same
how did we get that far down the line though so that this was prioritized for a dev cycle? new OCF team members are asking how decisions are being made and now we are implementing new decision making processes in lomio
- previously, we should have a product built out by users - was the responsility of design to push those forward - how are decisions made? - the hieararchy question sits alongside the product approach - theres been a difference between how we dream things work and then how things actually work - where does the power sit? - with certain people - we all have little things that interest us as individuals - before the product (as a function), people will work on what they want to work on - e.g. at Google, to get promoted, do something new. not thru maintaining something. thats why gmail gets redesigned
get priority from users
what is the impact score of this?
the scale is too big, have to focus in on 1 corner
can't expect the users to jump in and read thru all the comments on a github/loomio
and its
K - recurring themes keep coming up. agree it is too big for one person to hold all the knowledge and decision making so how do we shape - the oc-support call was a good example of us iterating on an idea together for the toggle idea
not talking about shape up
we're reading about someone else's job and critizing how they've done it
but reading the book is also frustrating
non-hieracrhciacal, open process -> you've done your job to giving eveyrone a voice
not true, doesnt work
egalitariansim, structures, power that ppl have in outside world
e.g. founder will get more power than ops
we're a soft power org
the process of putting together ideas for the virtual cards was frustrating - our processes need an overhaul. It's not just ops but I imagine others are frustrated too - what are we building, we are not centralized about our vision
tension between structure & fluidity
can have structure in process
fixed time, variable scope
its good because it forces ppl to get realistic about whats possible within a specific period of time,
forces you to start
on its own, doesnt give a vision
this is where teamwork + centralized vision helps
some things will take longer then 6 weeks though. not every problem can be solved in that time frame.
i'd want to work with a closer - like put opposite pieces together.
like the two parts, shapers and builders
waterfall /agile
you dont even get to the development phase
our 6 weeks in the dev phase
everyone in the dev phase, including design
cannot solve all problems within a 6week window
we're missing the pre-6week, waterfall part
the follow-up on the next pieces
idea of taking a big piece and breaking it into 6 week chunks is part of that initial shaping process
in order to compensate for hiearchicy, the people who are not in the positions of power need mechanisms for contributing
"Need boundaries to define what’s out of scope"
K: we need boundries set so we know what is in scope or what would be out of scope
the dynamics of decision-making in a startup are not suitable to a scalin org
the power dyanmics nneed to be renegotiated
What boundaries do we need?
who decides what gets prioritized and how?
how do people get to provide input?
making OC is a good start for this but not convinced that what we write will be heard or used?
lauren is just making looms to share the current frustrating process - will point out areas for improvement and let others come up with the ideas for how to implement.
Take the pieces that can fit unto 6 weeks - knowing our boundaries (1st party hosts, limit og staffjng), what are ways we can more efficiently share knowledge between each other. - lets take on shaping conversatiins ourselves - shared services agreeemnts between oc and 1st party hosts -whats makes a 1st party host a 1st party host? -exec board sees a need jn a certain region, that current hosts cannot. Or someone internally wants to do it. Oc funds that persons salary (thru grants, pia gets money from outside), gives a runway x amount of time to become sustainable
ATTENDEES Kayla E, Nathan Hewitt, Lauren Gardner