Mon 19 Aug 2019 3:59PM
How can Loomio fit into XR Ireland?
A discussion about how we should use Loomio to help facilitate decentralised and non-hierarchical decisionmaking.
Ready to vote on whether or not to integrate Loomio into Slack? Go here:

Markus Wed 21 Aug 2019 9:54PM
Looks very good. I like the vote and poll option. Could be very handy.
Roderick Campbell Wed 21 Aug 2019 9:56PM
Yeah, I think it's a useful little tool. It still requires decisionmaking processes and strategies but it makes the actual administration of decisionmaking more transparent and decentralised.
It seems like there's overhwelming support for turning on the integration with Slack. At that point we'll be able to vote and participate in polls directly from Slack, which would be very handy.
Roderick Campbell · Mon 19 Aug 2019 4:08PM
Hello everyone, I was talking to Mel White and a few others about ways we could move toward resolving ongoing debates about decisionmaking, and it came up that XRI had previously discussed setting up Loomio for that purpose but that the project had stalled out. I'm jumping in to see if we can get that momentum going again and will be inviting everyone on FB and Slack to join.
What is Loomio? It's a platform for making decentralised and non-hierarchical decisions. Anyone can join, anyone can start a Thread about a key issue, and participants can facilitate various voting processes. The types of voting include:
Proposals, where people can Agree, Abstain, Disagree, or Block. Proposals are designed to surface disagreement and work through it.
Checks, which are a quick way to see if people have completed a task or assignment.
Polls, which allow participants to choose from a list of options. These are not formal votes, but they're a way of gauging where the group is at on an issue.
Dot Voting, which gives everyone a set "budget" which they can allocate however they choose toward decisions. This allows people to weight their decisionmaking power.
Score Polls, which is where you score a series of options on a scale. This allows us to see how strongly or weakly people feel about various issues or decisions.
Ranked Choice, this is similar to Ireland's ranked preference voting process.
Time Poll, an easy way to determine when people are available for a meeting.
The best way to get familiar with these types of voting is to watch this simple video: