
Links to tags don't work

US Ulrich Schur Public Seen by 75

It seems that links to tags do not work. If you try to open a link to a tag (example "feature request") in a new browser tab or window, it says "Not found - Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have been moved or deleted.". The link only works if you click it within the same browser tab (try it by directly clicking the tag above). That is a real shame, because it means you cannot share links to tags with anyone.

I don't know if this is happening by accident or design, but I would consider it useful to be able to link to tags.


Jen Dot Com Sun 1 May 2022 4:34PM

+1 to fix this bug! We need it too


Robert Guthrie Sun 1 May 2022 11:13PM

Nice timing @Ulrich Schur - I'd love to fix this, and to enable people to #tag things within their content and for that to work.. So tags become linkable index pages and help to make the group feel a bit like a wiki.


Jen Dot Com Mon 2 May 2022 6:50AM

It also means if you refresh the page after you've viewed a tag, the page errors out.

Whilst it would be a nice additional feature to add hashtags, just getting the current tags working without errors when linking to them, or refreshing their view is higher priority I think.

Thanks for all the dev work!


Robert Guthrie Mon 2 May 2022 8:38AM

Oh, that was easy! Thanks for the support @Jen Dot Com and @Ulrich Schur . It's fixed and deploying now.


Robert Guthrie Mon 2 May 2022 9:09AM

My Gosh, did you really open this on Jan 1 @Ulrich Schur ? Sorry for the delay.


Ulrich Schur Mon 2 May 2022 6:28PM

Don't worry. I am glad it's fixed now.


Jen Dot Com Mon 2 May 2022 10:09AM



Jen Dot Com Mon 2 May 2022 10:20AM

A lesser priority but useful feature/enhancement would be some way of highlighting what tag you're looking at (we often have multiple tags on posts). A (sub)title would be easy to see, but don't know how easy to implement


Ulrich Schur Mon 2 May 2022 6:31PM

The is a faint highlighting of the color of the selected tag, but it's near impossible to see as it's really really faint.


Jen Dot Com Mon 2 May 2022 7:38PM

oh I see now, thanks! Wow yes that's subtle :)

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