Tue 18 Sep 2018 2:57PM

Email forwarding as a service?

NS Nathan Schneider Public Seen by 22

I know we've written off running email servers at social.coop as too much of a hassle. But would it be any easier to simply offer [username]@social.coop email forwarders that forward to an account wherever? I'd love to be able to use that address publicly, and it would be great advertising for our service.


Matt Noyes Tue 18 Sep 2018 8:24PM

Nice idea


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Wed 19 Sep 2018 7:51AM

This is already set up and running via our Mailcow server at webarch.email:

dig mx social.coop +short
10 webarch.email.

This has been done so people can use example@social.coop addresses to sign up for accounts at git.coop and the Webarchitects members Discourse forum.


Nick S Wed 19 Sep 2018 8:13AM

See the "how to get an account" link on the front page of our git.coop group here:


Basically, if you send me an address to forward to, and your mastodon handle, I can set up a forwarding alias (and you can then register on git.coop)


Nathan Schneider Wed 19 Sep 2018 6:03PM

Thanks! Done!