Fri 24 Apr 2015 2:15AM

Years at usual residence

SD Sophie Davies Public Seen by 262

Years at usual residence is the number of completed years up to census night that a person has lived at their usual residence.

To date, the data collected on years at usual residence has been used to help produce internal migration estimates, which are a key component of population estimates and projections. However, with the suggested inclusion of usual residence one year ago and usual residence five years ago, having data on years at usual residence becomes lower priority for internal migration purposes.

One potential use of the data on years at usual residence is as an indication of the social composition of an area by breaking it down into new and longer-term residents. However, the value and need for this information is unclear at present.

Our current recommendations relating to years at usual residence

  • Given the recommendation to include usual residence one year ago, feedback is invited on whether there is still a need to collect information on years at usual residence. Information on how customers use this information is required so that an informed decision can be made on its inclusion or exclusion for the 2018 Census.

See our preliminary view of 2018 Census content (page 20)for a more detailed discussion on years at usual residence information.

See 2013 Census information by variable for information on the years at usual residence variable.


Bronwen (Facilitator) Thu 30 Apr 2015 9:49PM

Hello & welcome to our discussion of “Years at usual residence”.
I’m Bronwen, from Statistics New Zealand. I look forward to open and inclusive discussion over the next six weeks to understand your “Years at usual residence” needs. Looking forward to hearing from you


Joanna Broad Wed 27 May 2015 2:10AM

I suggest that the reason for this information is less around people who are living in a private dwelling and more for those living in non-private dwellings such as residential care, prisons or hospitals.
For example some people live in residential aged care for well over 20 years, and probably at least 20% live there longer than 5 years. Being able to describe this for the country could help establish where there may be a need eg for better home-based services, or at least to track regional variations in the proportion of older people living in care.