Thu 30 Mar 2023 7:02PM
Recreation and Open Space
What did you think about the results of the recreation and open space inventory? Did it spark any ideas or concerns? Did you learn anything new?
Dennis Wilkins Tue 4 Apr 2023 6:33PM
- Although difficult, planning for bike lanes or trails is a must. Bikes are not going to disappear, and biking is actually becoming more popular. Biking in Harpswell, a tourist destination, is currently disgraceful and dangerous.
- The town needs to obtain the services of some boating operation to offer tourists a chance, for a fee, to get on the water for a different view and experience of Harpswell's riches. Either lure back the Casco Bay Ferry Line or solicit other vendors of such services.
- Having only 2 opportunities for a Family Swim and Harrier activities is so little, there may as well be no such opportunities at all. The swim with arrangements at some nearby pool should be weekly throughout the year, and organized running meet-ups can be held weekly throughout the summer and autumn.
- Soccer and basketball are increasing in popularity while baseball is decreasing. I would advise eliminating T-ball and replacing it with more soccer and/or basketball.
- Wouldn't you think that an ice-skating clinic would be most appropriate for a Maine community?
Thank you. Dennis Wilkins
Allan LeGrow · Sat 15 Apr 2023 10:13PM
Our recreation/open space is critical to the town's future. Mitchell Field and the numerous hiking trails in the town attract both internal and external interest. These assets should play a prominent role in Harpswell's future