[post] Fisconet est contraire au RGPD
Fisconet = banque de données juridique et financières publique.
APD = Autorité de Protection des données (ex Privacy Commision)
RGPD = Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (européen)
APD déclare que Fisconet est contraire au RGPD, cfr topic Privacy.
Devons-nous communiquer là-dessus ? A priori oui, cette recommendation de l'APD renforce notre message que notre vie privée et notre démocratie sont mises en danger.
Que faut-il inclure dans notre communication ?
La recommendation est accessible ici : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/images/8/83/2019_02_06_-_APD_-_Fisconet_-_Avis.pdf
J'ai ouvert un pad : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/fisconet-rgpd
HgO Tue 26 Feb 2019 6:44PM
I found this article in the Dutch press : https://datanews.knack.be/ict/nieuws/fiscale-overheidsdatabank-schendt-de-privacywetgeving/article-normal-1434301.html
Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 25 Feb 2019 6:38PM
No @iljabaert I received the French version by mail because I had sent them a complaint almost a year ago, and it doesn't seem to be available yet on their website. Maybe if you contact them they can send you.
And I agree with you, a small article should be enough, let's try not to write a novel this time :sweat_smile:
Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 26 Feb 2019 5:29PM
I made the draft in French, and translated in Dutch using DeepL, I don't know if it's readable/understandable, but it should help (I guess?).
I suggest the article to be sent as a communiqué to the press also.
Ilja Wed 27 Feb 2019 5:46AM
I'll try to translate this week or weekend (unless some one beets me to it)
This is really nice btw. Not only does it tell FOD's that they can't do this kind of stuff, itsets a precedent. Schools also rely very much on MS and MS services. It would be nice if we can get something similar happen there.
I love idea of communiqué. Something we've been talking about in w-vl yesterday is that we should send out communiqué more often. It will show the ppbe name to those people more, so even if they don't want to publish it, they may get more familiar with the ppbe in general, which may make 'em more prone to publishing stuff later on.
Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 27 Feb 2019 11:37AM
If we send it as a communiqué, we need to have a press-contact list. I don't know about flemish side, but I do have one (it's on the wordpress actually) for french side, even though it needs to be updated probably.
Is there a tool to edit collectively a spreadsheet-like document with privacy?
HgO Thu 28 Feb 2019 8:10AM
Désolé pour le délai… J'ai fini mes relectures, j'ai modifié quelques phrases dans la liste des recommandations de l'APD. J'espère juste que ce n'est pas trop technique :/
J'ai aussi rajouté un paragraphe à la fin. Je ne sais pas s'il est bien placé (il pourrait être placé entre "Nous demandons donc" et "Nous continuerons à suivre" peut-être ?)
À part ça, pour moi on peut publier ce soir ! Et ok pour le communiqué :) Qui s'en charge ? :p
Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 28 Feb 2019 12:57PM
OK, le texte est prêt à être publié ce soir sur le wordpress, merci pour les modifs :)
Pour le communiqué, vu que c'est toi qui demandes, c'est toi qui t'en occupes ! Mais devant ton refus plus que probable, j'imagine que ce sera pour moi. Je dois juste faire un gros nettoyage de la liste presse FR (c'était pour ça le spreadsheet).
Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 28 Feb 2019 1:03PM
In English :
The text is ready to be published in French, the text can be found here : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/fisconet-rgpd
If someone wants to volunteer to translate it to flemish, it would be very nice, even though we only have the original document in French from the Privacy Commission.
HgO Thu 28 Feb 2019 1:14PM
The DPA's recommendations are online on their website, in Dutch as well : https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/aanbevelingen-cbpl
Ilja · Mon 25 Feb 2019 6:19PM
Do we have this in Dutch somewhere?
I think a small article about it + the conclusions in non-jargon with a link to the pdf should suffice?