
[post] Fisconet est contraire au RGPD

RVE Renaud Van Eeckhout Public Seen by 20

Fisconet = banque de données juridique et financières publique.

APD = Autorité de Protection des données (ex Privacy Commision)

RGPD = Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (européen)

APD déclare que Fisconet est contraire au RGPD, cfr topic Privacy.

Devons-nous communiquer là-dessus ? A priori oui, cette recommendation de l'APD renforce notre message que notre vie privée et notre démocratie sont mises en danger.

Que faut-il inclure dans notre communication ?

La recommendation est accessible ici : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/images/8/83/2019_02_06_-_APD_-_Fisconet_-_Avis.pdf

J'ai ouvert un pad : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/fisconet-rgpd


Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 28 Feb 2019 4:18PM

Article publié en français : https://fr.pirateparty.be/vie-privee-carton-rouge-pour-les-services-publics/

Communiqué envoyé à la presse francophone aussi.


Ilja Sat 2 Mar 2019 11:46AM

I made the translation to Dutch and changed some things (like the very small detail that *some of us actually went out of their way to make compaints about this, both in mail *and in person!!! **)

Can someone check the Dutch plz?


koen_v Sun 3 Mar 2019 11:21AM

Ok. I did it, according to what I know about Dutch & writing.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 3 Mar 2019 2:06PM

Thanks a lot, Koen !

I guess it can be published now. Who volunteers to do it? :slight_smile:


Ilja Sun 3 Mar 2019 3:26PM

The reason why the link didn't work was because the closing bracket was seen as part of the link. I added spaces around the link and now it works again. I typically try to do that by default, but must've forgotten here. Thx for noticing!


koen_v Sun 3 Mar 2019 5:46PM

Now that I could see the text of the GBA online (before, I couldn’t activate the link), I compared it with what was written, and how it was written (by me, for example) in the part ‘Onze samenvatting’. Some changes to the way I wrote things before, seemed to be necessary (otherwise it wasn’t 100% correct, the way I wrote some things, I noticed). I applied those changes a few minutes ago. Maybe someone else could doublecheck if what ‘Onze samenvatting’ says, is now ok (maybe by comparing to the GBA link https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/sites/privacycommission/files/documents/aanbeveling_01_2019.pdf , because that is the most original, hence most correct source).
Otherwise, I think the text is very close to be oké for publication (or oké for publication?), I guess.


HgO Mon 4 Mar 2019 4:51PM

Thanks @iljabaert and @koenvdp ! I'm preparing the article on Wordpress, but I noticed there is at least one missing paragraph. This one is not in the Dutch translation :

En décidant d'utiliser Microsoft pour sous-traiter un service public aussi basique que la mise à disposition de textes législatifs, le SPF Finances a choisi la facilité, le confort et la gratuité apparente au détriment du respect de la vie privée des citoyen·nes. Nous pensons au contraire qu'un service public, lequel est financé avec de l'argent public, devrait reposer sur du logiciel libre. Ceci permettrait de garantir un contrôle de la part des citoyen·nes, et cela contribuerait au bien commun en mettant ce code à disposition pour tout un chacun.

I'm wondering if there are other missing paragraphs as this one :/


HgO Mon 4 Mar 2019 4:56PM

I added two other points in French that doesn't seem to be translated (see pad).


Ilja Mon 4 Mar 2019 5:53PM

fixed it in Dutch as well


koen_v Mon 4 Mar 2019 6:06PM

I also happend to work on it. I don't know if we interferend with each other without knowing it :-) ---by the way: (amongst others) the two dispappeared are now added; I changed the sequence of one of the senteces (advanced it with two places) because I made it in that sentence a little more clear what that consentment (toestemming) is about, so the two sentences after it could be better understood by the reader.


HgO Mon 4 Mar 2019 6:23PM

Great ! Then the article is ready to be published :) @iljabaert do you want to double check, or can I publish now : https://nl.pirateparty.be/?p=567&preview=true&_thumbnail_id=571 ?


Josse Mon 4 Mar 2019 7:52PM

Die beperkt ZICH niet.... (laatste paragraaf voor de samenvatting) Otherwise OK.


Ilja Tue 5 Mar 2019 4:05PM


koen_v Tue 5 Mar 2019 7:42AM

I happen to find one more (tiny) mistake, which I am probably responsible for. The text now says
“De overheid moet zich goed bewust zijn van de implicaties die werken met particuliere bedrijven met zich kan meebrengt.”
Of course, it would be better to change this to
“De overheid moet zich goed bewust zijn van de implicaties die werken met particuliere bedrijven met zich kan meebrengen.”


Ilja Tue 5 Mar 2019 4:08PM
