Organizing Circle Meeting: 2024 21 May (Tuesday) 1200 UTC

The Organizing Circle for will meet 2024 21 May (Tuesday) 1200 - 1330 UTC. We will meet here: (the meeting may or may not be recorded). A tentative agenda is to be consented to at the start of the call:
1200 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here?
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 4 June (Tuesday) 1200 UTC
Review recap from last call
Who is note taking?
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1205 [10 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
Icebreaker question: What does your perfect breakfast look like? Explain why.
1215 [10 min] Agenda construction (potential items, topics discussed at previous meetings, work in progress):
expanding representation in OC from the working groups from one to two members
see discussions:
annual patterns of strategic topics
see discussions:
compensation logs w/ how to encourage working members to take pay
see discussions:
backlog items
1225 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Call a round to check in with people
1230 [5 min] Updates from working circles
Legal - defunct
1235 [5 min] Update: What was said by the group in active Loomio threads. Do we need to respond to anything or integrate something into our discussion?
1240 [30 min] Items to be consented at the start of the meeting
1310 [10 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
1320 [10 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.
Backlog items: The items below are not on the active agenda but should be addressed at some point in the future
Communications: should there be a SC newsletter?? (like GEO newsletter)
Tools Exploration
Long term strategy
How do we deal with liability as an organization? Do we need to consider some kind of incorporation or legal entity? If so where?
Strategically, how do we provide a framework for the Finance WG to budget overall and help manage surplus?
"Maintenance care", how to support TWG and its members (cf. xy crisis driven by single mantainer)
Compensation log
Offering bounties $ to support open source projects or coop efforts
Short term proposal dev
Ask working groups for TWO reps instead of one.
Check in on group condition, engagement level, look at moving forward with (a)synchronous engagement
Loomio OC Group private/public
Ask for training on 'what it means to be an admin' to orientate new admins
Annual patterns
Contact Finance, and Community for joint meetings topic: How can we help?

MarieVC ( Mon 13 May 2024 3:32PM
Dear All,
Here is the agenda for the next meeting, as well as the to-do list. In yellow are the non-recurring items to be consented to/built together at the start of the meeting.
I'll be sending a reminder for the meeting on Monday 20 May.
Have a good new week!
Kathe TB Tue 14 May 2024 12:01PM
@MarieVC ( I like to think of this as ALL the agenda being consented to at the start of the meeting. Maybe the yellow highlights are particularly tentative?

MarieVC ( Tue 14 May 2024 7:37PM
@Kathe TB Yes. The parts in yellow are a reminder of potential topics (work in progress), to keep track of them and are to be consented together at the start of the meeting. It's more to get an overview of the ongoing discussions. Does this help you with the preparation for the meeting or do you see another solution that would suit you better?

Matt Noyes Tue 21 May 2024 3:16AM

Matt Noyes Tue 21 May 2024 3:21AM
Eduardo and I drafted something, then I dropped the ball. In the meantime a decision was reached that was along the lines of what we intended:
Kathe TB Tue 21 May 2024 2:13PM
1200 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here? Matt, Kathe, Marie, Eduardo, Caitlin
Does anyone need to leave early? Eduardo in one hour
Confirm our next call on 4 June (Tuesday) 1200 UTC
Matt farming sched. --> change OC meetings to Weds.
Wed 5 June 1200 UTC
Review recap from last call
Who is note taking? Matt
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1205 [10 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
Icebreaker question: What does your perfect breakfast look like? Explain why.
1215 [10 min] Agenda construction (potential items, topics discussed at previous meetings, work in progress):
expanding representation in OC from the working groups from one to two members
annual patterns of strategic topics
compensation logs w/ how to encourage working members to take pay and
other backlog items
1225 [15 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
[Kathe] Write recap, start 'formulation' topic discussions on the loomio thread for this agenda - Question: How did the discussion topic threds go? Did you see them? What could encourage more engagement?
Eduardo - didn't see it
hard to follow Loomio - where things are found, need to understand Loomio architecture
Marie - have been creating a new thread for each meeting, so you can check the upcoming meeting agenda thread (which includes links to previous threads)
when threads are long we are losing information
where to put discussion topics
Caitlin - separate thread for each topic to discuss, meeting agenda as separate thread only for additions/changes to agenda
Marie - okay to try moving discussion topics to new separate threads, key is to not lose content
Matt - how much do we want to do asynchronously? Time required? Only action items? Also discussions?
OUTCOME: Topics will be pulled out as seperate threads moving forward
TOPICS to discuss further: information architecture, Loomio use
[flancian] respond to thread about accessibility day with counter-proposals
[flancian] experiment with embedding loomio/nextcloud in the wiki
[flancian] publish announcement for participatory finances once we get that
[Matt/Eduardo] Make new proposal about post length: Let's try 1,000 characters for six months on safe/good enough basis with survey of user experience.
Proposal passed on Loomio
OC should stay on top of 6 month review and survey
[Matt] set up sample OC comp log based on CWG model
[Marie] Agenda create - note to copy the TODO list, reminder
[Caitlin] participatory budgeting process announcement (with Flan's help)
1240 [15 min] Updates from working circles
Finance - No update
Tech - Evan getting active in Tech
Community - Still got the overwhelming white guy issue. Suggesting seperating Ops vs Community
how to separate/define the domains of the CWG and the Ops Team?
MayFirst as an example of how to engage people without overburdening?
maybe organize a conversation with MayFirst about member engagement/burden?
TO DO Matt start a discussion thread on Loomio to set up a convo with MayFirst
bilingual, transnational org
Legal - defunct
1255 [5 min] Update: What was said by the group in active Loomio threads. Do we need to respond to anything or integrate something into our discussion?
Character count proposal adopted
Do people know how to contact OC?
Recap thread is public in Loomio
cross post in Mastodon?
OC should make sure we revisit the character limit decision.
Add this to existing Sept. revisit decisions published on our Wiki (
Triad of conversations (Garden/Stream,
stream: Mastodon
in between: Loomio
permanent: Wiki documentation
(See also Mike Hales on Fediwiki
1300 [20 min] Items to be consented at the start of the meeting
compensation logs w/ how to encourage working members to take pay and
What do we want to compensate? (Meeting attendence, admin work)
Tax/legal implication in this informal structure. How does this play in different countries?
Some orgs (Open Food Network, e.g.) create country specific chapters
Giving back to SC is an option, needs to be accounted for
Tracking time is important
EU can't receive $ from US - money right now comes from UK - does that work for people in EU? In Argentina?
Larger question of compensation and contribution tracking (quality, experience, etc.), different principles, market rates vs solidarity rates
How is accounting done on SC?
Open Collective is where all transactions are recorded
QUESTION: How to record it when a person does not take a stipend as a contribution?
International transactions... [possibly use]
Tax reporting
Working Groups decide what to do with their funds - stipends, etc.
Organizational sustainability -- to maintain this, need to track labor and infrastucture cost perspective.
Good to estabish this infrastructure
good to keep track of privilege (some people may need a stipend more than others)
good to visualize the instance operations and time/labor required
good for all to get same rate for stipend
Tech WG folks decided not to take stipends, so their budget is used for infrastructure
FWG has asked all WGs to take stipends -- unused stipends stay in SC budget (not transferable to individual WG budget)
Proposal: work up another template for tracking time, continue to talk about stipends, move this into Loomio thread, identify questions for FWG
keep it simple
ansynchronous discussion time spent not captured by meeting attendance proxy
TO DO Kathe will start Loomio thread
expanding representation in OC from the working groups from one to two members
1320 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
[Kathe] Write recap, post recap to main forum, start topic driven loomio threads including: compensation, annual patterns, increasing WG representation in OC, wiki page
[Marie] Agenda (+ deadlines for future discussions at the end/backlog), todo list, reminder
[Matt/Eduardo] Matt start a discussion thread on Loomio to set up a convo with MayFirst on member engagement
1325 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.
convo going well, decentralized informal collectives often neglect compensation issue
like the fact we are focussing and going deeper into a topic and trying to solve it
distracting setting
loved Eduardo's breakfast in bed ritual, and the way we are getting more coherent
Backlog items: The items below are not on the active agenda but should be addressed at some point in the future
Communications: should there be a SC newsletter?? (like GEO newsletter)
Long term strategy
How do we deal with liability as an organization? Do we need to consider some kind of incorporation or legal entity? If so where?
Strategically, how do we provide a framework for the Finance WG to budget overall and help manage surplus?
"Maintenance care", how to support TWG and its members (cf. xy crisis driven by single mantainer)
Compensation log
Offering bounties $ to support open source projects or coop efforts
Short term proposal dev
Develop information flow and organizatoin
Triad of conversations (Garden/Stream,
stream: Mastodon
in between: Loomio
permanent: Wiki documentation
How many people engage in what category/dimention?
Ask working groups for TWO reps instead of one.
Check in on group condition, engagement level, look at moving forward with (a)synchronous engagement
Loomio OC Group private/public
Ask for training on 'what it means to be an admin' to orientate new admins
Annual patterns
Contact Finance, and Community for joint meetings topic: How can we help?
Kathe TB Tue 21 May 2024 2:32PM
Today we had brief updates from the working groups, checked in on the conclusion of the character limit Loomio discussion, and then talked through sense-making with the compensation/stipends.
Working group updates were brief, no new developments from Finance nor Community working groups. We didn't have a representative from tech reporting in. Community working group is still discussing the diversity issue. From this diversity and engagement discussion, we are going to investigate contacting MayFirst and see how they approached member engagement and collective governance.
Loomio threads: The character limit thread resolved without intervention from Operating Circle in alignment with how we were going to suggest. We are curious if folks want help tracking the re-evaluation deadline in 6 months. No other active threads were identified.
We decided to break off topical discussions from the agenda threads into their own threads on the Organizing Circle for better visibility. We will spin off threads on: compensation, annual patterns, increasing WG representation on OC, OC wiki page development, and conversation with MayFirst.
Compensation: For context, Finance Working Group has allotted a set amount of money for each working group for stipends or compensation. Working Groups decide how to allocate this amongst the members. At issue is a reluctance of people to actually draw those stipends. Some reasons that were discussed were: tax implications, difficulty moving money, and questions about valuing time vs experience. We generally recognized the value in tracking labor to support the operations of social coop as part of making the collective sustainable. We will revisit this topic next meeting and start a Loomio thread for asynchronous discussion.
Our meeting times are shifting to accommodate planting schedules. We will meet Wednesday June 5 at 1200UTC.
MarieVC ( · Mon 13 May 2024 3:25PM
To-Do List
[Kathe] Write recap, start 'formulation' topic discussions on the loomio thread for this agenda
[flancian] respond to thread about accessibility day with counter-proposals
[flancian] experiment with embedding loomio/nextcloud in the wiki
[flancian] publish announcement for participatory finances once we get that
[Matt/Eduardo] Make new proposal about post length: Let's try [1,000 characters] for [six] months on safe/good enough basis with survey of user experience.
[Matt] set up sample OC comp log based on CWG model
[Marie] Agenda create - note to copy the TODO list, reminder
[Caitlin] participatory budgeting process announcement (with Flan's help)