Explicit rules should be added to server "Rules"

Right now, Social.coop only has two "Rules" in the admin settings:
As a cooperative, social.coop is based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.
See the Social.coop Code of Conduct: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Code_of_conduct
When reporting posts or accounts in Mastodon, the UI asks you to specify which server rules have been broken.
Because these are the only two "rules" set up in the admin options, it's not possible to select one of the actual rules as the thing that was being violated. (See attached screenshot showing what this looks like when reporting a post.)
This seems like an issue for the reporting workflow, and might give users a sense that they aren't able to offer enough details about the report when making it.

Jay Thu 28 Sep 2023 1:13AM
I've made an attempt at converting the rules in the wiki to 9 individual rules that can be added to the server settings:
No use of violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
No harassment, defined as continuing to interact with or post about another person after having been asked to stop, including, but not limited to: unwelcome sexual attention; deliberate intimidation; stalking; and dogpiling.
No offensive, harmful, or abusive comments or insults, particularly in relation to diverse traits (as referenced in our values).
Always use content warnings (CWs) when sharing content that: is likely to be distressing or hurtful to others; should require consent to view; includes discussions or depictions of violence, sexually explicit material, and/or common PT triggers; includes flashing or rapidly changing images
No posting of Personally Identifiable Information about others (“doxing”).
No posting of sexual material that is without consent.
No posting of sexual material that depicts individuals appearing to be under age 18, including Loli.
No excessive, frequent promotions of a product or service (i.e., spam)
No material that promotes bigotry, including fascist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or transphobic content.
Respect norms as described in Social.Coop's Code of Conduct here: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Code_of_conduct

Nathan Schneider Thu 28 Sep 2023 2:45PM
@Jay Great idea, and thanks for doing this work. Could we just add a note at the bottom like "These rules are adapted from the full Social.coop code of conduct, available here: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Code_of_conduct"

Jay Thu 28 Sep 2023 3:08PM
@Nathan Schneider I kinda wanna say…no?
These rules aren’t just a list in a text field; they are independent items added to a list of “Server Rules”. This list is what is used when reporting posts; when reporting a post, the user is asked to choose which rule is being violated, and this is presented as a radio button form.
If “These rules are adapated…” were added, it would have to be added as a rule itself; but this is not a rule, it’s just descriptive text.
Putting descriptive text, rather than rules, into the “Server Rules” is why this is a problem in the first place.
That text could still live in the “About” section on social.coop/about, which is just a rich text field.

Dynamic Fri 29 Sep 2023 4:58PM
Would it work to add a final rule that's something like "Respect norms as described in Social.Coop's Code of Conduct here [add link to relavant page]"?

Jay Fri 29 Sep 2023 9:51PM
@Dynamic Yeah that could work I think. Thanks!
I don’t know who’s capable or responsible for changing these.
Dynamic Fri 29 Sep 2023 11:21PM
You're welcome.
I wonder if @Nathan Schneider either is the person to talk to or knows who that person is...?

Eduardo Mercovich Thu 5 Oct 2023 1:08AM
Dear @Jay and others.
Thank you very much for an astounding work. 👏👏👏
My obsessive compulsive designer needs to point out some ridiculously tiny points that may be phrased in an infinitesimally more consistent way, structurally speaking. Please just ignore this message if it doesn't help. 🙏
In some points we name some things assuming understanding (pt. 2, "stalking; and dogpiling"), and in other we define them and then use their names (pt. 5, "No posting... (“doxing”)"). Maybe we can use always the 2nd approach that is easier for folxs that are new to our space (a bit like me, for example). Also, I can see what to me appears as related points, interrupted by other themes (pts 1 and 3 about violence and abuse, with harassment in between them, or pt. 3 ending with a reference to "our values" that may be in the start or the end but not in the middle because they break the auto-contained scope).
So, this is the initial version:
1. No use of violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
2. No harassment, defined as continuing to interact with or post about another person after having been asked to stop, including, but not limited to: unwelcome sexual attention; deliberate intimidation; stalking; and dogpiling.
3. No offensive, harmful, or abusive comments or insults, particularly in relation to diverse traits (as referenced in our values).
4. Always use content warnings (CWs) when sharing content that: is likely to be distressing or hurtful to others; should require consent to view; includes discussions or depictions of violence, sexually explicit material, and/or common PT triggers; includes flashing or rapidly changing images.
5. No posting of Personally Identifiable Information about others (“doxing”).
6. No posting of sexual material that is without consent.
7. No posting of sexual material that depicts individuals appearing to be under age 18, including Loli.
No excessive, frequent promotions of a product or service (i.e., spam).
8. No material that promotes bigotry, including fascist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or transphobic content.
I don't know if the order is changeable (if not, please ignore this post), but here goes a proposal with some tiny edits. This version:
uses grouping,
tries to use specific definitions in the end of each point (between parenthesis),
growing severity escalation, and
ends with the reference to our values (but could also start with that and it would change some things).
Also, it tries to express all the points in the same way ("don't do this") so as to make it easier to mark which one broke some rule when reporting.
I'm sorry if I misunderstood some terms and/or defined them wrong. Please edit without mercy. :)
1. No posting excessive, frequent promotions of a product or service (i.e., spam).
2. No posting content that is likely to be distressing or hurtful to others without content warnings ("CWs"; that is, content that should require consent to view; includes discussions or depictions of violence, sexually explicit material, and/or common PT triggers, or flashing or rapidly changing images).
3. No posting of Personally Identifiable Information about others ("doxing").
4. No posting of sexual material that is without consent ("revenge porn").
5. No posting of sexual material that depicts individuals appearing to be under age 18, including underage drawn characters ("Loli").
6. No posting of material that promotes bigotry, including fascist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or transphobic content.
7. No use of violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
8. No continued interaction with or post about another person after having been asked to stop, including, but not limited to: unwelcome sexual attention; deliberate intimidation, being it individual ("harassment" and/or "stalking") or grupal ("dogpiling");
9. No posting offensive, harmful, or abusive comments or insults, particularly in relation to diverse traits (as referenced in our values).
While pt. 8 seems a bit between two related ones (7 and 9), this is meant only as a starting discussion point.
I hope this can be useful. :)
Best regards...

Nic Thu 5 Oct 2023 1:01PM
I've no problem with these changes, it makes sense – other than the addition of the term 'revenge porn' as, while it's often used, it implies the victim did something to deserve 'revenge' (according to victims of it: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/why-are-we-still-calling-it-revenge-porn-victims-explain-change-in-the-laws-needed_uk_5d3594c2e4b020cd99465a99), so better 'non-consensual sexual content' or don't give a shortened name.

Eduardo Mercovich Thu 5 Oct 2023 1:27PM
Dear @Nic
I totally agree with your point, and appreciate the subtle implication.
the addition of the term 'revenge porn' as, while it's often used, it implies the victim did something to deserve 'revenge'
Let's change it to whatever you all believe it's more appropriate. :)
Bear in mind please that English is not my native language so it's almost sure that issues like that will evade me at first. 😅
Thanks a lot... 🙏
Louis Allaway · Mon 25 Sep 2023 5:50PM
Most users don’t read the wiki, makes total sense for it to be in the mastodon rules. Gives clear reminder of a few of the more unique ones, cooperative promotion and de-escalation guidelines particularly, as well as confirmation of the usual rules + helps with reporting.