Explicit rules should be added to server "Rules"

Right now, Social.coop only has two "Rules" in the admin settings:
As a cooperative, social.coop is based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.
See the Social.coop Code of Conduct: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Code_of_conduct
When reporting posts or accounts in Mastodon, the UI asks you to specify which server rules have been broken.
Because these are the only two "rules" set up in the admin options, it's not possible to select one of the actual rules as the thing that was being violated. (See attached screenshot showing what this looks like when reporting a post.)
This seems like an issue for the reporting workflow, and might give users a sense that they aren't able to offer enough details about the report when making it.

Nathan Schneider Mon 23 Oct 2023 3:23PM
@Jay This is definitely not my domain—something to be addressed through the Community Working Group, which handles communication around moderation.

Matt Noyes Mon 23 Oct 2023 2:42AM
Thanks for doing all this work. It makes sense to use the server rules this way (the way they were intended to be used). One problem I see is that from a moderator standpoint, some of the CoC content -- the encouraged behavior/discouraged behavior, and the reporting guidelines -- is often more important than the specific rules. The server rules seem to put all the emphasis on rules, leaving out the more descriptive, process-oriented norms, expectations, and protocols. As a mod, I'd rather people read the CoC than the list of rules. At the same time, I realize people typically don't do that...

Jay Mon 23 Oct 2023 7:27AM
@Matt Noyes Thanks for the reply. The reason I think it's important to have the rules set up this way is for the reporting of posts. Of course there will be a broader CoC that takes precedence over the "Rules" section, which is why it should be linked from the About section and even in one of the rules themselves.
It's not about these Rules being the canonical reference for behavior on social dot coop, but about having a specific thing in the server that can populate the radio button list from which people have to choose when reporting a post.

Matt Noyes Mon 23 Oct 2023 6:56PM
Thanks Jay, I get that. I just looked at the existing radio button lists you see when reporting someone. Can we edit the initial list, too? Or just the server rules? Is there any way to insert a text field? If not, would it be possible to use the subject headings from the CoC, including encouraged behavior and discouraged behavior?

Jay Mon 23 Oct 2023 9:51PM
@Matt Noyes No, you can't edit the initial list, which contains:
I don't like it
It's spam
It's illegal
It violates server rules
It's something else
Choosing "It violates server rules" will then take the user to the radio list with our server rules on it; currently two of them.

Ed Summers @edsu Mon 23 Oct 2023 9:27PM
@Matt Noyes It looks like the radio button list is fixed in the Mastodon source code:
The only bit of variability is whether to display the violation of server rules which keys off of whether server rules are defined.
I see Hometown have removed the Legal category:

Matt Noyes Mon 23 Oct 2023 9:45PM
@emi do @Sam Whited @Flancian @Matthew Cropp As current and former mods, what do you think about having the list that Jay put together in the server rules, so that when someone files a report they can click on a particular rule, or on the code of conduct as a whole?

Sam Whited Tue 24 Oct 2023 2:37PM
This sounds reasonable to me; from the mods end of things I'm hopeful it would make people think about why they're reporting someone first instead of just quickly selecting a generic reason. We get a handful of reports that I think would have been better off as individual blocks because two users got in a spat or something, and maybe some harsh words were exchanged, but it's nothing that's so bad it would be a code of conduct violation. I could see having the stuff explicitly listed out making people change their mind about a report instead. It's not a huge problem or anything, but it does happen on occasion and this could potentially help, so sounds worth trying to me.

Jay Wed 8 Nov 2023 10:23PM

Erik Moeller Sat 11 Nov 2023 11:00PM
I support this change.
I think stuff on Loomio often stalls out because most of us don't look at Loomio very often.
What's the etiquette - should we use pings on social.coop itself more to get input on threads like this? Or Loomio's email features?

Jay Tue 14 Nov 2023 7:39PM
Every couple weeks I update this thread, and mention it in Matrix, and it just sits here

Matt Noyes Wed 15 Nov 2023 3:50AM
@Jay Sorry to be unresponsive -- I find it hard to keep up with Matrix. I agree with Sam (see above). Can you repost the most recent version? We have a Community Working Group Ops Team meeting on 12/1 - is it okay to wait until then so we can have the approval of the ops team?

Jay Sun 19 Nov 2023 11:01PM
@Matt Noyes Thanks. Dec 1 would be fine. The rules I wrote are in this post: https://www.loomio.com/d/NVQsFHkU/explicit-rules-should-be-added-to-server-rules-/2

Jay Wed 13 Dec 2023 1:28PM
Thank you to whoever added these rules to the site! I was so happy to see them.
dyani · Thu 5 Oct 2023 10:09PM
I've wondered why the rules aren't there in mastodon! This would be a great update. Maybe the rewording of the rules themselves should be a separate initiative, and adding what you originally suggested for now is good enough.