Evening Festivities
Since this is an event that goes over 3 nights, how about a screening of Occupy Love on the first night?
Here's the full film
The process of having a free screening is all laid out on this site http://occupylove.org/screenings/host/
It's currently being shown around the world http://occupylove.org/screenings/
Lisa Fri 18 Apr 2014 4:00AM
I love it. Sally, what were the tech probs last year?
Sally G Fri 18 Apr 2014 4:12PM
I was not directly involved enough in tech to remember; the screening was supposed to have happened in a room upstairs, as I remember; perhaps someone who knows details can elaborate?
Julia Clark Sat 19 Apr 2014 5:17AM
Seems good, I watched a bit of it. I have limited bandwidth so I did not watch it all. But it seems as long as there is a projector and proper bandwidth ( or better yet already downloaded and saved ) there should not be a problem. Well , other than gremlins, Ofc.
Chas Schaeffer Sat 19 Apr 2014 6:14AM
hello. I am just now learning how loomio works :)
Daniel Hong Sat 19 Apr 2014 6:50PM
Tricia Sat 19 Apr 2014 10:52PM
ATge Illuminator and the Overpass Light Brigade are also cool nighttime actions. seems FB direct mess dates are the way to get a hold of some of these occu- groups
The OLB has chapters in CA
Tricia Mon 21 Apr 2014 1:39PM
Here's another film that we can stream right off Youtube. It's more entertaining and informative. It is a little faster on the get-go than Occupy Love and I could picture it being screened on a big wall in the open air.
Tricia Mon 21 Apr 2014 8:19PM
I posted the Occupation Nation documentary on the FB page 7 hours ago. it's gotten 290 views 4 likes and 3 shares.
Poll Created Mon 21 Apr 2014 10:36PM
Having an evening program dedicated to showing of Occupy Films Closed Wed 30 Apr 2014 10:07PM
We have a group with a passion for Occupy films & the broader community is buzzing. What night during Nat Gat is free for some night time cinema?
I propose we make one evening at this year's #NatGat dedicated to Occupy film & media with an #OccupyLove showing.
We would then empower a group of bottom liners to build this event & create an outreach strategy which could include sister events before or during NatGat at the local level.
We could also dust off the #EvictionTheater brand for this if you asked #OccupyUnionSq nicely.
What'chya say?
An Occupy film night with screening of Occupy Love & other films?
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 77.8% | 7 | |
Abstain | 22.2% | 2 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 45 |
9 of 54 people have participated (16%)
Sally G · Thu 17 Apr 2014 10:06PM
Yes, we tried this last year, had tech problems.