Meeting Notes 1/31/18
Thanks for your interest in being part of this working group.
in attendance: zoe, mali, taylor, heather, ryan, nick
As of right now are upcoming things are:
++++++Meeting TOMORROW Fri 2/2/18 at 7pm at Outer Space Arcata. I might be 5-10 min late to open up, but I WILL be there!
++++++ARTS ARCATA FRI 2/9 at Outer Space 6pm-9pm if anyone wants to show work in that show HMU ASAP some space will be available.
+++++ARTS ARCATA FRI 3/9 at Outer Space -- to be discussed at meeting on Friday.
+++++ ARTS ARCATA FRI 4/13 at Outer Space -- Zoe, Mali, Taylor are curating a show. 6pm - ?
MEETING TOMORROW FRI 2/2/18 at 7PM at Outer Space Arcata
kind of impromptu / last minute meeting decision bc we thought arts arcata was this fri and were gonna be there anyway.
dorian is bringing a "call to artists" flyer as well as a draft of a contract for artists who are displaying stuff.
we will also be discussing jobs / assigned roles which the "gallery facilitators" will take on for each show. these jobs will last one month and can rotate from show-to-show. Gallery facilitator is different from gallery curator? Or is it? Let's talk about it
we'll also talk about the upcoming March Arts Arcata exhibit and talk about April's arts arcata exhibited which is being curated by Mali, Zoe & Taylor.
ARTS ARCATA FRI 3/9 at Outer Space -- to be discussed at meeting on Friday.
we will hopefully be discussing what we want to do for arts arcata in March.
ARTS ARCATA FRI 4/13 at Outer Space -- Zoe, Mali, Taylor are curating a show. 6pm - ?
The tentative theme for this show is "intersectional anticapitalism" or something along those lines.