Thu 20 Sep 2018 6:41PM
September Board Meeting
Gregory Marler (former Director)
Seen by 190
To be typed...
RobJN Thu 20 Sep 2018 7:44PM
20:09 - Gregory left meeting.
Adam and Rob stayed on for a general discussion noting that we are no longer quorum to make decisions.
Thanks noted for Brian's work on University of Northampton mapping. Monies will go in to OSM UK.
Thanks noted for Adam for his attendance of UK Mapping Festival.
Adam Hoyle Thu 20 Sep 2018 7:46PM
I agree the minutes
RobJN Thu 20 Sep 2018 7:49PM
Me too.
Gregory Marler (former Director) Fri 21 Sep 2018 9:09AM
Me three. I'll update the website.
Gregory Marler (former Director) · Thu 20 Sep 2018 7:09PM
Meeting with Adam chairing, Gregory taking minutes (has to leave early), Rob present.
Apologies from Jez unable to attend, Brian plans to join late.
We could not find minutes from August. Need to prepare some notes from the actions that were recorded.
Reviewed Directors' actions spreadsheet.
Third Skin have paid membership, blog post to be written.
No further comments.
Enquiries from Laing O'Rourke & Murphy re HS2 comms and HS2 Community Fund.
Rob, Jez, and Greg continue to get small chatter from Jubal at Microsoft. Nothing new or different from talk-gb but thinking about how they can possibly work in the UK. Figuring out the approach and how to adjust it from their Australia approach, might set up map roulette challenges, might come to UK and meet mappers.
Greg had contact from ODI HQ and will be speaking at the ODI Summit about OSM in the UK.
Adam spoke to AccuCities and Harper Collins at the mapping festival. Would both be good to follow up.
Finance update.
Comments from Jez: Balance at Bank £1474.40 Creditors total £1155.30 (UoN £1105.30 Transport API membership £50) Debtors Total £130 (BJP UoN travel expense estimate £30 Corporation Tax £40 Accountants estimate £60) Total Assets £2499.70
Camera reimbursement (Greg sending waylens to Rob), but could be cancelled by his 360 renewal. Greg to check with Jez.
Members: 75, including 2 renewals.
Corporate members: not in CiviCRM, probably needs to be (if it can't then it needs to be in a shared spreadsheet).
Strategy for 2018-19. Mainly being done by Brian, we should look at this and push on it because we otherwise lose energy. Action to review in the next week by 27th Sep.
Talent Directory. Has been sent out to members, and recently to talk-gb. Had 10 responses now, include 2 from Nigeria. Mainly not names recognised from discussion groups, they had all come from when it was sent to members list (i.e. before it was sent to talk-gb). Keep promoting it is still good.