Organizing Circle Meeting: 2024 21 November (Thursday) 1300 UTC

The Organizing Circle for will meet 2024 21 November (Thursday) 1300 - 1430 UTC. We will meet here:
Kathe TB Thu 21 Nov 2024 1:06AM
1300 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here?
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 5 December
Who is note taking?
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1305 [10 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
1315 [5 min] Recaps
Review recap from last call
1320 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Kathe: Recap and next agenda
Marie: To-do (+alternatives), reminder, starting thread Loomio next meeting
Edu: convene the meeting to move the onboarding process.
Matt: find language on inclusive nomination criteria/process
Matt: draft short process for election of new member
Matt: communicate with CWG about matrix/Zulip etc
Flan: start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space cross-WG ->
Caitlin: moving our public calendar item meeting date
1325 [20 min] Updates from working circles
1345 [30 min] Decision: What is our process for selecting new members for OC? Do we have next steps?
1415 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
1420 [5 min] Backlog: What should we be talking about in the next 2-4 calls?
2024 reflection - hearts and deltas
organize a public discussion on how interacts with corporate presences in the Fediverse
tracking projects of the Organizing Circle (and possibly extending this to collaborations with other working groups) specifically in relationship to managing to-do items
Meeting notes archiving and organizing
revisit onboarding documentation
2025 set goals and priorities for for the next year
1425 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.
Kathe TB Thu 21 Nov 2024 2:15PM
1300 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here? Matt, Kathe, Caitlin
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 5 December
Who is note taking? Matt
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1305 [10 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
1315 [5 min] Recaps
Review recap from last call
1320 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Kathe: Recap and next agenda - DONE
Marie: To-do (+alternatives), reminder, starting thread Loomio next meeting
Edu: convene the meeting to move the onboarding process.
Matt: find language on inclusive nomination criteria/process - DONE
Matt: draft short process for election of new member - DONE
Matt: communicate with CWG about matrix/Zulip etc - IN PROCESS
Flan: start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space cross-WG ->
Caitlin: moving our public calendar item meeting date
1325 [20 min] Updates from working circles
Decided against second contributions poll this year - 6 orgs chosen from first round - write up pending - no meeting planned for the year
how to announce, promote, make known SC donations to other orgs?
no presence
nothing new - meeting today
Kathe still needs to organize timing for first meeting
1345 [30 min] Decision: What is our process for selecting new members for OC? Do we have next steps?
Recruitment (how the OC recruits and selects a new member in the middle of a term):
Option 1: Open call for nomination and then current members pick based on criteria. No public Loomio vote.
Option 2: Use a straight sortition process; id N people as canidates who are willing and then pick. Sortition will surface new members.
Straight sortition process - Make a list of members (Mastodon/Loomio/list) Randomize list, then walk down from the top with a canidate invitation.
PROPOSAL: open nominations, OC selects to fill missing at large member, ratification by SC membership; 2025, OC defines procedure for renewal of OC - CONCENT
TO DO: MATT post call for Open Nominations for At Large member (nomination period: three weeks, list current members, duties, term) -
[Everyone] After it closes, compile a list of canidates asynchronously and folks on committee come in with personal choice for nomination
[Kathe will facilitate] We make decision at first meeting, sociocracy selection (Three rounds - choose, share, revise choice, then facilitator puts someone up for consent)
Onboarding only (how the OC can welcome a person who has already been selected):
Suggestion to replace the random jury with something else to simplify the process. Only picking ONE member instead of a set of members.
Balancing quick vs broad
Recruitment - How to encourage turnover in both OC and WGs. balance this with retaining knowledge base
Working group members can provide continuity
General problem: turnover on working groups
Still need to talk about equity and diversity consierations for 2025
1415 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
Kathe - Schedule legal meeting
Kathe - Notes and recap
Kathe - Agend for next call
Kathe - Loomio thread on using wiki to draft/document onboarding process
Matt: communicate with CWG about matrix/Zulip etc - IN PROCESS
Matt: Draft and push candidate solicitation
Flan: start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space cross-WG ->
Caitlin: moving our public calendar item meeting date
1420 [5 min] Backlog: What should we be talking about in the next 2-4 calls?
Dec 2024 reflection - What happened, hearts, and deltas
How to document and acknowledge contributions - wiki documentation?
organize a public discussion on how interacts with corporate presences in the Fediverse
tracking projects of the Organizing Circle (and possibly extending this to collaborations with other working groups) specifically in relationship to managing to-do items
Meeting notes archiving and organizing
revisit onboarding documentation
Skip updates and work through backlog - possibly alternate backlog work with updates
Janury 2025 set goals, timelines, and priorities for for the next year
1425 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.
Kathe TB Thu 21 Nov 2024 2:32PM
Today we decided 1) how to fill the empty At-Large seat, 2) that we were going to spend the next call with 2024 close out reflection, and 3) that our first meeting in 2025 we were going to select a candidate to fill the at large seat and set priorities for the new year.
We will fill the At-Large seat in a one-off nomination process. An open call for volunteers and nominations will be posted to Loomio for the month of December. In January we will go through a sociocracy selection process where each OC member will discuss their first nomination for the position from the pool of candidates, OC members will then have an opportunity to change their nominations based on what they heard, and finally the facilitator will put up a candidate based on the discussion for consent of the OC members. OC members are asked to review the candidates and have a nomination ready prior to the first January call.
The final 2024 meeting we will have a end of year reflection including what we did & what happened, what worked well (heart), and what might need to change (delta). This is in preparation for a 2025 planning session in January.
In January of 2025 we will hold an Organizing Circle planning session that will include goals, timelines, and priorities for the year.
Updates from working groups
Finance Working Group decided against a second contribution poll and have no plans to meet for the rest of the year. Six organizations were chosen from the first round and there is a write up pending. OC is asked to decide how to announce and promote these organizations and donations publicly.
Tech Working Group had no presence today.
Community Working Group is meeting today, no updates.
Legal Working Group has not moved on scheduling a first meeting, likely to be in 2025 now.
MarieVC ( · Tue 19 Nov 2024 8:19PM
To-do List
Kathe: Recap and next agenda
Marie: To-do (+alternatives), reminder, starting thread Loomio next meeting
Edu: convene the meeting to move the onboarding process.
Matt: find language on inclusive nomination criteria/process
Matt: draft short process for election of new member
Matt: communicate with CWG about matrix/Zulip etc
Flan: start a thread or book a meeting to discuss next steps in the messaging space cross-WG ->
Caitlin: moving our public calendar item meeting date