Thu 23 Jan 2025 10:07PM

Privacy Workshops and Anti-Corruption chat series.

F freescholar Public Seen by 176

Hello Friends,

Privacy and Anti Corruption 馃悳...

I have thought long and hard about HOW to make a fractured yet meaningful Anti Corruption movement even more powerful and how to do the things "they" do not want us to do, together - change laws to protect citizens and root out corruption. Things that will bring positive change. We can organize locally and make sure that the community has the ability to put people in positions of power that work with the community in a transparent way.

It might be fruitful and nutritious to come together and meet more often with members of our local communities and use chat to transfer knowledge which could be modified to observe laws in different localities. and get our documents in order.

It would be beneficial to outline our proclamations and proposals clearly so the groups grow. Some laws may need to be changed so that we cannot be denied. We can start with the Karen Read case and a few others


Here is a link to details on an upcoming series of chats to foster engagement on local levels, while protecting our privacy.


Any suggestions/edits are welcome: https://pad.riseup.net/p/cd

Please share details with your networks. We will start small and see what grows.