White Paper 2 - key definitions for adoption

Suggesting that we agree key definitions here - on an agree, disagree, object basis by noon on Thurs 18th.

Poll Created Wed 17 Mar 2021 9:35PM
Proposed definition of UNicoins & UNicoins vision Closed Tue 23 Mar 2021 11:02PM
Thanks everyone for voting!
Agreed unanimously, UNicoins definitions below with the addition that we need to make clear elsewhere in the text that they are blockchain tokens as per @Eleonora Gatti 's point .
In the glossary (p.2):
Digital tokens representing UN personnel's time spent on cross-UN collaboration. The tokens are a non-monetary unit of value that can be exchanged among managers and/or collaborators in recognition of collaboration hours contributed to cross-UN work.
In the vision statement (p. 6):
UNicoins are digital tokens representing UN personnel's time spent on cross-UN collaboration.
In the glossary (p.2):
Digital tokens representing UN personnel's time spent on cross-UN collaboration. The tokens are a non-monetary unit of value that can be exchanged among managers and/or collaborators in recognition of collaboration hours contributed to cross-UN work.
In the vision statement (p. 6):
UNicoins are digital tokens representing UN personnel's time spent on cross-UN collaboration.
PLEASE NOTE: previously UNicoins were described as "digital, non-monetary, time-based blockchain tokens". This proposal suggests a simplification to help the reader and hone in on minimum concepts needed in the definition to be classified as UNicoins by suggesting removing the parts in bold. Please feel free to share a view if these are non-negotiables.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 6 |
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Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 2 |
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6 of 8 people have participated (75%)
Michaela Markova
Wed 17 Mar 2021 9:35PM
Simon Bettighofer
Wed 17 Mar 2021 9:35PM
The simpler the better! :)
Eleonora Gatti
Wed 17 Mar 2021 9:35PM
Agree but we need to add somewhere at the end that these tokens are blockchain tokens, otherwise it can be a totally different token, like the points you get in a supermarket everytime you buy something. They are digital tokens but they are not blockchain tokens.

Poll Created Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:22PM
Proposed definition of badge Closed Tue 23 Mar 2021 11:02PM
Thanks everyone for voting. we had 80% (4 people) agree with 20% (1) abstaining.
Please see adjusted definition below reflecting @Michaela Markova @Klas Moldéus inputs. Would suggest we adopt this/make any further edits at our meeting.
Proposed revision:
Digital representation and recognition of contributions made by UN personnel to cross-UN collaboration, measured in number of hours spent. reflecting types and areas of contribution (e.g. innovators badge).
As included in the glossary:
Digital representation and recognition of contributions made by UN personnel to cross-UN collaboration, measured in number of hours spent.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 80.0% | 4 |
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Abstain | 20.0% | 1 |
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 3 |
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5 of 8 people have participated (62%)
Michaela Markova
Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:22PM
Not feeling strongly about this, hence I put agree but just as a suggestion: delete "representation"? So it would be only "digital recognition of contributions...."
Klas Moldéus
Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:22PM
Would adjust not to highlight "measured in number of hours spent", as I believe the badges are rather to recognise a specific contribution, e.g. as the case in the innovators badge. Not saying it might not be dependent on time invested, but if highlighting anything I would rather highlight that, e.g. "..., highlighting specific themes or types of contribution."

Poll Created Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:24PM
Proposed definition - Agile team Closed Tue 23 Mar 2021 11:02PM
Thanks for voting! Here we had 4 (80%) agree and 1 (20%) disagree with original proposed definition for agile team:
An informal team formed by UN personnel to tackle a specific project where additional expertise is required i.e. a cross-UN collaborator is needed.
@Simon Bettighofer proposed an alternative definition:"A cross-functional group formed by UN personnel that have everything, and everyone, necessary to tackle a specific project"
I think this is a great suggestion but could risk confusing people as the way "agile team" is currently being used in the text is to indicate a team that is looking for collaborators, i.e. they don't (yet) have everything & everyone they need...
@Michaela Markova proposed changing "project" to "task" and "tackle" to "address".
To reflect these inputs while avoiding confusing the reader, I'd suggest we simplify to:
"A cross-functional group formed by UN personnel to work on a specific project or task"
Please indicate if you object to this proposal by midnight CET today, Tuesday 23 March!
From glossary: An informal team formed by UN personnel to tackle a specific project where additional expertise is required i.e. a cross-UN collaborator is needed.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 80.0% | 4 |
![]() |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 20.0% | 1 |
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 3 |
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5 of 8 people have participated (62%)
Michaela Markova
Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:24PM
Again, not feeling super strongly but would use "address" instead of "tackle", and "task" instead of "project"
Simon Bettighofer
Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:24PM
I don't understand why it should be called 'informal', which think could be confusing (like it's not official). Alternatively I would suggest: "A cross-functional group formed by UN personnel that have everything, and everyone, necessary to tackle a specific project."