Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:34PM

Community co-ordinated water delivery

L Lexy Public Seen by 83

The Nest site does not have running mains water available to Nestlings. Similar to last year, some volunteers are co-ordinating water delivery from a local company for camps & individuals.

Community Effort & Leave No Trace

This serves as both Communal Effort and also towards our Leave No Trace principles minimising waste, as the water will be delivered in 19 or 13 litre bottles which are then re-used, as well as making it much more convenient for people to not have to bring their water individually.


  • 19 Litre bottles for £6 each.
  • 13 Litre bottles for £5 each.
  • Water Pumps for £12.50 each.

These are the same prices as last year, with the additional 13 Litre option added to help with carrying the bottles around site since they have a handle.

Also anyone who bought a pump last year can consider them an investment since the will be re-usable again this year, although please ensure they are properly cleaned first.

How to Order

We are now ready to collect orders and receive payment here: https://bit.ly/NestWater2019
If you tried ordering before and got an error we can now accept payment by Monzo.me, UK Bank Transfer and PayPal.


  • Submit Order: 11pm Sunday 12th May
  • Payment: 9am Monday 13th May


The supplier has informed us that for an order of this size we will need a midweek delivery as we had last year. If you can, please stagger your order using both deliveries it will help us and our supplier massively.

The midweek delivery is currently set for Thursday 23rd, but we are negotiating to see if it can arrive on Wednesday 22nd to minimise disruption. We shall keep you posted.


  • Buying water in bulk and recycling the plastic.
  • Using the spring water at your own risk.

Lexy Sun 7 Apr 2019 8:40PM

This would make a great mini-project for someone new to Nest and keen to contribute as mainly just requires co-ordination of orders / payments / project management - so if you are good at spreadsheets and happy to liaise with the vendor then thats all you need :)


Ax Mon 8 Apr 2019 8:06AM

:wave: I think I'd be fine with all the pre-event organisation, but as a newbie I'd need help understanding what would be needed once Nest actually starts.


Corinne Hitching Thu 11 Apr 2019 7:31AM

Thanks Ax for putting yourself forward. In be happy to support you as a returning Nesty


Lexy Mon 8 Apr 2019 8:45AM

Thank you @ax :)
Can you email me at [email protected] and I will send you some info from last year and put you in contact with Nick who was involved last year in this and we talked to about this briefly at the pub.


Nick Staines Fri 12 Apr 2019 7:20AM

Have emailed @ax with a brain dump of tips/lessons learned from last year.


Paula the cat Wed 10 Apr 2019 11:11AM

As a result of fundraising, Nowhere had the Freecamp Water Project which was very popular and quite a success. I think this is a great idea! https://www.gofundme.com/freecamp-watershower-project


Ashley Wed 10 Apr 2019 4:30PM

We considered this as an option in Crumpet last year, but the costs (~30p/l) were higher than just buying a vast pile of 2l bottles of water in bulk from a supermarket and then recycling the bottles. Reuse is better than recycling however.


Simon Thu 11 Apr 2019 11:13AM

Lots of people drank the stream water last year and we could do the same this year. Some people didn't want to drink it because they were not sure about the quality of the water.

Does anyone know about water testing? If we get it tested and there's no heavy metals, pesticides or other bad stuff in it, would it not to make sense to use the stream as a primary source of water. It's cheaper and there is no waste! Please let me know if I'm missing something here as it seems like a quick and easy win.


Corinne Hitching Thu 11 Apr 2019 1:50PM

It may be that we'd end up with a queue of a good number of people at the stream constantly trying to fill containers. It's certainly worth using for cooking and cleaning etc but as the only source of water I would be nervous.


Sabrina Thu 11 Apr 2019 2:00PM

It would definitely be great to get it tested just so we know what we can use it for.

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