6 Monthly Financial Report to Members
Last year we all voted to have a 6 monthly Financial Summary Report presented to the Dollars Jedi.
Please follow this link to access the report (I cannot attach it for some reason)- https://jedercomau.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/Jeder-Members/Shared%20Documents/Jedis%20Pods%20%26%20Teams/Jedis%20%26%20Jedlets/Dollars%20Jedi/Financial%20Reporting/2021%20July%20to%20Dec%20Financial%20Summary%20to%20Members%20.docx?d=w231b31574b0c4eceba6baca4811994c5&csf=1&web=1&e=UQYcWj
I will develop a Poll with a couple of questions to get some feedback or please feel free to leave your feedback here.
Bernadette Melder Mon 24 Jan 2022 10:34PM
Hi there
I had a look at the financial report and I have no idea what I am looking at but I noted the income was higher than the expenditure so I believe this is a good thing!
Bernadette Melder
Coordinator of Supports
The Jeder Institute
M: +61 409004589
Hours Mon - Thurs 9am -4pm
W: www.jeder.com.au ( http://www.jeder.com.au/ )
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We commit to reconciliation and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’, their histories, cultures and communities. We acknowledge the lands of Australia were never ceded and we respect
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land.
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Jason Emmins Thu 20 Jan 2022 9:53PM
Thanks @Meredith Baylis for your comments- I am getting some clarity from TCOB around the Sales Categories- these are COBU and Training/Facilitation categories... I will hopefully update this once I have the information.
Deleted account Thu 20 Jan 2022 11:09AM
Great work and thank you for Sharing Bored Members! Its great to see Jeder doing so well.
Margaret Henville Thu 20 Jan 2022 10:40AM
I would like to see some more information under the Aged Receivables. I wonder why the figure would be so high.
Kaeleen Hunter Thu 20 Jan 2022 10:40AM
less is more tho knowing what less means is GREAT - love your workless is more tho knowing what less means is GREAT - love your work
Renee Davies Thu 20 Jan 2022 10:40AM
I think this is a good overview. Thanks!
Deleted account Thu 20 Jan 2022 10:40AM
Thank you so much for this @Jason Its great to see how we are tracking! I would like to see our CoBu contributions on the pie chart if that's possible. :)
Poll Created Thu 20 Jan 2022 10:40AM
Jeder 6 Monthly Fianancial Report Closed Mon 24 Jan 2022 6:01AM
Thanks for those that voted. Based on the votes, I will do some tweaking of the report (basically add some explanations) and send to the Dollars Jedi for discussion.
This is to provide quick feedback regarding the suggested Financial Report Summary for Jeder Members (see document here- https://jedercomau.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/Jeder-Members/Shared%20Documents/Jedis%20Pods%20%26%20Teams/Jedis%20%26%20Jedlets/Dollars%20Jedi/Financial%20Reporting/2021%20July%20to%20Dec%20Financial%20Summary%20to%20Members%20.docx?d=w231b31574b0c4eceba6baca4811994c5&csf=1&web=1&e=UQYcWj).
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |||
The Summary Report is good enough for now | 46.7% | 7 | |||
I would like to see some explanations under each table? | 26.7% | 4 | |||
I would like more detail in the report (please provide some detail as to what you would like to see in your comments) | 13.3% | 2 | |||
I would need an explanation of some terms (glossary would be helpful) | 13.3% | 2 | |||
I would like to see less information. | 0.0% | 0 | ||||
Undecided | 0% | 45 |
12 of 57 people have participated (21%)
Aleks Jovanovic · Mon 7 Feb 2022 3:26AM
Thank you for sharing and for the transparency. I'm sorry I missed the vote. I'm happy with the current format - a little extra information may be useful.