TBANZ Website(s)

TBANZ currently has a badly out-of-date homepage:
A proposal was made to set up a Drupal communities site, and a domain registered, but there is still no site there:
The community functions intended for this site have mostly been mostly supplanted for internal use by CoActivate (and Loomio):
Lyttelton TimeBank Mon 7 Oct 2013 11:58PM
Christ Twemlow has access to timebank.org.nz The site has become stagnant because it is too difficult for none developers to change. Miriam I think started timebanks.org.nz but that has stagnated as well. The coactivate site seems to be the most active, but it's not very welcoming to new timebanks. I would love if someone would get funding to further TBANZ with just this issue. We need a centralised place for all things TimeBank in NZ, but with a better interface. At the moment we don't have the capacity for this. After we lost funding for our national coordinator here in Lyttelton, we have put out the call for someone else to take up the reigns. No one has yet.

Danyl Strype Wed 5 Feb 2014 4:53PM
A little off-topic but I believe the Co-ordinator from the Dunedin TB is intending to offer her services as National Co-ordinator. What it sounds like TBANZ really needs to be applying for funding for it a Tech Co-ordinator, whether that's Chris, Miriam, myself, or someone else.
Danyl Strype · Fri 13 Sep 2013 11:50PM
A few questions:
Who has access to the existing site to update at least the front page, and ideally the whole thing?
Who has the time and inclination to do such an update?
Would it be possible to redirect timebanks.org.nz to the existing site?