Tue 28 Jan 2020 2:37PM

Who is Organizing XR future Democracy?

AG Andrea Grainger Public Seen by 162

Does this group have anything in the way of an organizing team?

They don't need to be 'in charge'.

But we need someone to do an inventory of local groups, to collate the different strategies and ideological approaches, to organize sharing of best practices, to maintain a speakers list, etc.


Luke Flegg Wed 29 Jan 2020 5:31PM

Hey Andrea, I'm sure others will have more info than me, but just checking you've seen GlassFrog, which shows Paul T as the Lead Representive of XR Future Democracy, and includes the current version of the role description of this circle:



Andrea Grainger Wed 29 Jan 2020 5:58PM

Thanks Luke.

This is a pretty useful site that I haven't been linked to before.


Marion Sun 16 Feb 2020 3:07PM

Hi Luke, it says "No Purpose defined for this Circle" surely there should be one?