our past conflicts/tensions/disagreements
Hello Team,
As a way to better understand how/when we might use the governance document, our team would like to learn from our past conflicts/tensions/disagreements that we´ve experienced at work (YUN or otherwise).
Please write a short description of a time when where there was a clash of underlying assumptions or principles or where you felt an underyling principle or value was not respected/acknowledged.
Eleonora Gatti Thu 29 Apr 2021 7:07PM
I do not understand this, are you talking about UNicoins? Probably good to mention names and exact situation. otherwise we cannot solve it.

Ruth Blackshaw Thu 29 Apr 2021 7:13PM
same as below @Eleonora Gatti not UNicoins

Ruth Blackshaw Mon 12 Apr 2021 3:30PM
Example from YUN with another UN network: again thinking something is a co-creation/group dynamic but decisions then get made by only one part or one person without consultation with other members, including removing YUN members from the group. This created distrust. Again it seemed to stem from not talking openly about tension or conflict of interests in this case, despite YUN trying to raise it in advance. So the issue built up and reached a boiling point without discussing openly as a full team.
Eleonora Gatti Thu 29 Apr 2021 7:08PM
I do not understand this, are you talking about UNicoins? Probably good to mention names and exact situation. otherwise we cannot solve it.

Ruth Blackshaw Thu 29 Apr 2021 7:12PM
no these are not UNicoins but Young UN working with other collaborators. Happy to provide more details but not sure if relevant, the purpose was to identify patterns from previous experiences team members have had with conflicts/tensions/disagreements of any forms.
Eleonora Gatti Thu 29 Apr 2021 7:28PM
Ah OK, thank you for clarifying Ruth! No need for the names then. I understand the purpose.

Ruth Blackshaw Thu 29 Apr 2021 8:04PM
and do add from your own experiences @Eleonora Gatti ! can be in your work team, Young UN, any other initiatives! we want to build up a picture of patterns to have the best approach possible in UNicoins governance (& hopefully can help our thinking for wider YUN too). also given that not effectively addressing conflict is a huge reason for disengagement, especially important for any voluntary networks & communities

Ruth Blackshaw Mon 12 Apr 2021 4:34PM
Example from YUN working with a UN entity: UN entity put pressure on team members to have visibility opportunities (e.g. pitching at events) and communications were centred around that entity rather than being a collaborative effort. The underlying importance of one UN entity in the limelight vs YUN perspective of cross-UN system solution seemed quite fundamentally in tension.
Michaela Markova Mon 12 Apr 2021 4:41PM
Example from YUN UNicoins team: when one former member of the team claimed to be part of the team but was not putting any/enough work. It is perhaps important to ensure that we understand what are the roles, rights and responsibilities of the members
Ruth Blackshaw · Mon 12 Apr 2021 3:28PM
Example from YUN with another UN network: we entered into something as a co-creation but there seemed to be a different understanding of the relationship (it seemed other group was not participating very actively, almost expecting us to do the work but then felt things weren't moving fast enough). Then the partner disengaged and went ahead with the project without YUN which felt hurtful. Mainly it seemed to be a mix of lack of clear communication around our expectations and assumptions of our own roles & each other's roles and lack of communication / discussion about tension/noticing when things weren't going well and raising that for discussion.